Old Fashioned Apple Butter – 100 Year Old Recipe – The Hillbilly Kitchen

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Old Fashioned Apple Butter – 100 Year Old Recipe – SIMPOT – In this video, I’ll be making fresh apple butter and I’ll be doing it in the kind of programmable …

20 replies
  1. de marullo
    de marullo says:

    You are truly The Best Teacher for Cooking/Baking. Thanks for taking time to go slowly, explaining and making everything seem easy n possible. Love you girl❤️
    Gonna try this in my crockpot…high or med?? How long?
    I made everything from scratch when 1st married..hippie days…even peanut butter..and my baby was the healthiest child of all my kids. Miss those days and getting back to it…not peanut butter,though!! WHAT was I thinkin??? God bless

  2. T WayAware
    T WayAware says:

    Everything you make my folks made and my Gramma and other grandma, Baw made for us. Our Kentucky originating neighbors back then were sometimes so low on cash that they made pancakes with only butter for their dinner!!!!! No syrup, no meat!!!!! But it was good!

  3. T WayAware
    T WayAware says:

    Hello again.
    I was given a pot like that for Christmas last year.
    My question was do I set it for 8 hours on slow cook? Is there a temperature I need to set it at?
    Thank you Becky!!!

  4. Barbara Bell
    Barbara Bell says:

    Looks delicious!! You kept saying teaspoon but that looks like a tablespoon, but I guess it doesn't matter if you have to adjust it to taste. I can't wait to try it. Thank you.

  5. Tammy
    Tammy says:

    Simpot applebutter. Apple butter is the best! We had a pressure cooker blow up in home economics. The student got 3rd degree burns. I was awful.


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