Old Fashion Baking Powder Biscuits, Breakfast Bars, Enjoying Homemaking, Keeper of the Home

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40 replies
  1. Keith Watters
    Keith Watters says:

    Mrs. Lori I watched you make biscuits. This is the easiest recipe I've ever used to make my homemade biscuits. I use
    2 cups self rising flour
    1 tablespoon sugar
    1 1/2 cups heavy cream.
    Bake at 500 for 8-10 mins.

    Patti Watters

  2. Sunny Rutter
    Sunny Rutter says:

    Sorry to make a 2nd comment, but thought you'd like the Glory Report on our Heavenly Father, who saw that young woman through her brain surgery today. They anticipated it to take 10-12 hours, but finished in just a little over half that. It went well and tonight she's awake, alert & cracking jokes! Praise Jesus! Thanks to all who joined in prayer!

  3. Kandi Tallant
    Kandi Tallant says:

    I enjoy doing laundry!! 😊 I love cooking and baking and a clean house. I put in earbuds and listen to an audiobook or podcast or music and praise my Jesus while cleaning. After all He blessed us with the material things that we have and I want to take care of them.

  4. Karen Sweet
    Karen Sweet says:

    Sweetheart, You don't have to many clothes! I've had friends that have so many clothes, it's ridiculous! I don't have many clothes either. I've been wearing the same clothes for about 7-8 years. I grew up without closets and with all 9 of us kids, I don't know how Mama n Daddy did it all. Our house was 4 rooms n no bathroom. 2 bedrooms 10×12 and living room that was 12×14 and Kitchen/Dining room was 12×14.. That was it! No running water either and 1 wood heater in the living room! It was tight with all of us in the house. Our family grew even more bc Daddy n Mama were foster parents also…. I'm going to make some of your Granola Bars, They look delicious and I love these for Breakfast with a cup of Coffee! I love hanging clothes on the line! When I get a load of laundry, I wash it up! Why wait, No need for it. I love doing housework when I'm by myself to. I love to do it just to see everything clean and in it's place. No need for messes to be left. I keep it clean. I live in the country in the woods and were get dust that travels from the dirt road. Gotta stay on top of it. I'm about a 1/2mile off the road no close neighbors at all.. I like it that way here in the mtns of Ga. Thank you Miss Lori for your recipes. I love y'all and God Bless 🙏🙏❤❤🇺🇸

  5. Stacey
    Stacey says:

    Disappointed in the oatmeal bars. I made them, following the recipe to the letter, and let cool completely. When I went to cut them, all I got was a pile of crumbles. Didn't hold together at all. A total waste of expensive ingredients.

  6. Sandy Strong
    Sandy Strong says:

    I love keeping house!! Love hanging out clothes….they smell so fresh when you bring them in, especially bed sheets. I don’t have a dishwasher either and I agree….a little bleach in the dish water makes a world of difference….it really cuts the grease off your pots and pans. At the time, I thought my mother was so mean for making me clean house, but I see these young brides starting out….and Lori they don’t know how to boil water! Mothers are doing their daughters such an injustice not teaching them how to take care of their husbands and children. Love your videos.

  7. Gary Brunet
    Gary Brunet says:

    Washing clothes will never be fun for me. My parents were separated. I lived with my father and brother. They both played sports. I used to do the laundry, among other things from the age of 7. I still did it after I got married because we had twin girls that were breast fed and we had a toddler son, so my wife was busy with them. I used to change their diapers, when I was home. I continue to do housework till this day. Now we can afford a cleaning lady, she comes once every two weeks. Let me tell you, we still have to run around the house to tidy up the day before she comes.🇨🇦😊

  8. SpiritWarrior
    SpiritWarrior says:

    I find ironing so relaxing! When I worked in a hospital office, I would iron all work clothes. It was my Zen. I loved the smell of the hot clothes. Also washing dishes by hand. I do it and just relax, zone out. I would love an outdoor clothesline! The sun makes clothes smell so good. But I currently live in an apartment complex and they're forbidden. I'm hoping to purchase a home with some land next year.

  9. Lynne K
    Lynne K says:

    I use something I read online where I turn the hangers backward at the beginning of the year and as I wear things,😢 I hang the hanger up the right way. That way at the end of the year, anything that still backwards I know I haven’t worn in a year and it can be purged. I have lived in smaller homes for about 12 years now and my bed has two drawers built into the bed frame. That is helpful for some additional storage. My struggle right now is my shoes. I work from home and have been for three years so I no longer need so many dress shoes and have been thinking to sell the nicer ones.

  10. Donna Cochran
    Donna Cochran says:

    It's funny you say to enjoy doing laundry and house work… I catch myself sometimes ungrateful for cleaning then I remember how it used to be. We were classified as homeless for three years. We lost our house due to an illness. Then we lived in a camper gutted out. No electricity, no indoor plumbing, a dirt floor kitchen. We live in the United States. Around the world people think everyone here is financially wealthy. We are blessed with love, healthy for the most part, now, and for the past three years we've been in a rental. Indoor plumbing, electricity, a real kitchen!!! Now I wash dishes and am almost giddy we have food…dirty laundry… thank you Lord!!! We have clothes. It's really about prospective. Gratefulness is sometimes created in the most unlikely places and circumstances. I have 1 pair of jeans, 3 pairs of scrubs, 1 dress, a couple of t-shirts, a pair of tennis shoes, a pair of church shoes. I don't miss all the things I used to have in our former house. We have what we need and are just beyond grateful for the little things. I hope you all have a wonderful day. Thank you for sharing your real life.

  11. Linda Petersen
    Linda Petersen says:

    Mix it on up Ms. Lori Come on make it for me !!! I like chocolate chips also pecans are the best !!! Love that quilt behind you !!! I make quilts out of clothes that I have out grown and will never wear again got a QT JAR with Buttons now from blouses !!! I love the clothes that I have in the house !!! Some are for WINTER TIME OR SUMMER TIME !!! I say NO TO THE CLEANER TO COME IN They will take some things away I know that Son did that for me and I have to look for another pants & Shirt for painting now !!! Sweat shirts I use for quilts also !!!

  12. Mena
    Mena says:

    I appreciate what you are saying about housework. I have always worked full time outside my home and sometimes it feels difficult to get everything done. There are a couple of things that have made a difference for me.
    1. Having a minimalist approach. For me, this is not buying things I don’t need. I don’t have a lot of home decor – to me this is clutter and I find a cleaner space more peaceful. This is different for everyone of course. I don’t want to spend my time dusting. I’m 58 and I have everything I really need. I am saving my money for experiences now.
    2. I spread my cleaning throughout the day and the week. I work from home, so I can run the vacuum or clean a bathroom on my lunch hour. I make sure my kitchen is clean before I go to bed and I clean something after our evening meal.
    My goal is to not save all my cleaning for the weekend.
    3. I do laundry on Monday and Friday, except towels. I wash towels every other day.
    This is what works for me and it keeps me from feeling overwhelmed. I used to pay a housecleaning service, but I don’t need to do that anymore.
    All the best to you. I love seeing your yard. I live in a neighborhood ours of Tulsa, OK, but I do love all the trees and hills In Arkansas.

  13. Debbie Reilly
    Debbie Reilly says:

    Thank you for sharing Ms Lori and Mr Brown have a blessed day stay safe and healthy. Homemade biscuits I could eat everyday yummy hot from the oven butter and honey Mmmm. 😋😋😋🙏❤🙏❤🙏


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