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27 replies
  1. Sustained By His Love
    Sustained By His Love says:

    I have diabetes autoimmune insulin resistance and in menopause. I’ve done low carb for 10 years but it stopped working..my diabetic numbers started increasing and I was baffled.. I’m extremely obese can’t shed a pound even when fasting and keto so I’ve just been focused on cellular healing..my metformin completely stopped working so I’m more highly fasting but if I eat carbs my sugars skyrocket because my system is a mess. Intuitive eating has always been best. Daniela you are one of the sweetest genuine YouTubers. You do you boo..I’m with you..sorry for the hate. People hate when people are free to do what’s best FOR THEM hence the apocalypse zombie flu. In spite of angry people we must MUST do what’s best for us. Prayers for Leo that he has the courage and strength to do whatever it takes to help his diabetes stay in control xoxo♥️♥️♥️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  2. Anne Kern
    Anne Kern says:

    I had a tummy tuck 9 years ago…I had complications that lasted a year…it was a horror…I had a top plastic surgeon…he actually did Kate from Kate plus 8 tummy tuck on tv….. would never do anything elective again!!!

  3. Kimberley Jackshaw
    Kimberley Jackshaw says:

    You two… love you! I live with roommates and I do keto. I fill my side of the fridge and freezer wih keto stuff… I meal prep now and always make sure there is something in the fridge for myself, and I do keep shakes and bars handy just in case. The key is prep and making sure you've got the right containers to carry things!

  4. DeAnn Davies
    DeAnn Davies says:

    You two are amazing! I understand that we are seeing a snapshot of your lives but there are so many ways that you two demonstrate your commitment to each other. You connect on a level that is true and trusting.
    I am a child therapist and work with parents with young children. I see things that others may not.
    Keep up the strong work to be your best! Those adorable adorable children are worth the sacrifice. I know that you already know that!

  5. Liz McMahon
    Liz McMahon says:

    You guys are ADORABLE!!!! There are certain people that are so rigid that they can’t stand to see anyone deviate from what they consider “clean” keto. Please don’t let the Keto Police upset you. People have to learn to be flexible and what works for one person may not work for another. I am so happy to see your glow… this new plan looks GREAT on you girl!!!

  6. Tori Conley
    Tori Conley says:

    We have 6 people in our house and I am the only one following keto. It really isn’t that hard. We all eat bacon/eggs/sausage etc for breakfast the only difference is maybe everyone else will have a piece of toast or English muffin. The kids eat lunch at school. My SO packs his own lunch for work. And then I cook a keto friendly dinner and add an extra side whatever everyone else wants.

  7. Debbie
    Debbie says:

    I have been keto for over 5 yrs and my husband refuses to eat anything that I eat. If I can eat it, he says its Keto and he can't eat it or he will gain a ton of weight. He is 80 yrs old and will never change. I do what works for ME NOW and he can make his own food LOL By the way, you guys are a darling couple!

  8. Stephanie Fox
    Stephanie Fox says:

    You know that I am in love with you! You are amazing and you motivate me like no one else. Seeing you and Leo using this platform the way you are and staying so true and real. I love it!! Danielle you being true to yourself and sticking to your guns is what will keep me here. I’m still keto, you’re not. Big deal! You still motivate the heck outta me. I love you and your family and just how f’ing bad ass you are! That’s why I’m here. I don’t care…AT ALL how many carbs you eat in a day! It’s you girl…YOU! We real friends round here! Plus your guns are smoking sister… Smoking!


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