OIL-FREE VEGAN FAJITAS 🌮 Easy recipe that will knock your socks off!

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Plant Based Vegan Fajitas are a good “go to” meal when you are pressed for time. They are very satisfying and lend themselves to so many different variations.

37 replies
  1. judyhoomalamalama
    judyhoomalamalama says:

    love this. Does the nacho cheese sauce freeze well. I am the only person in the house that is WFPB and no one else eats this & I dont want it to go to waste as I dont use it all the time. Just wondering.

  2. Ian Morgan
    Ian Morgan says:

    Textured vegetable protein (as it's correctly known), or "soy curls" as you call them, are not whole foods, they are a factory produced refined food that can't be made in the home kitchen.

  3. Stephanie
    Stephanie says:

    Do the soy curls need the full two hours in the marinate? The recipe said at least 20 minutes. I have never used soy curls before and want the full flavor. They are marinating right now. Yum!

  4. Marie Green
    Marie Green says:

    I’ve tried soy curls a couple of times but didn’t like their chewy texture and for some reason I didn’t like their taste either regardless of what they were marinated in. Oh well.

  5. Andie A
    Andie A says:

    Thank you for the great video. I love the idea of using the corn tortilla for PBJs. Do you have a homemade jam recipe? I would love to see a video on that.

  6. Steven Becker
    Steven Becker says:

    Stupid question from a newbie cook. When a recipe like this calls for 2 cups of soy curls, is that 16 oz or is it a 2 cup measuring cup filled to top? Every google attempt comes back with baking responses so I just need a little guidance on when to use weight or not

  7. Carl Baum
    Carl Baum says:

    You could also try adding some Mrs. Dash seasoning to the soy curls. Because Mrs. Dash is often used in chicken soup, to me it makes the soy curls taste more like chicken.

  8. Lovely Lady
    Lovely Lady says:

    Jill I just ordered your cook book and I received it yesterday and all I can say is it's a definite winner. I'm so happy to have your recipes in one place. I love, love, love your channel. I've tried some of your recipes and they're terrific. Thank you so much for all that you do to bring awareness to how wonderful plants actually taste.

  9. veganmama fourgirls
    veganmama fourgirls says:

    Yumm! Those fajitas looks delicious, Jill! I just got some soy curls, so I will be making them this week for sure. Also, homemade tortillas are the best. I also have plenty of masa for that. I would also need some guac on there, though. This meal is definitely happening in my kitchen this week! Thank you for the suggestion for using my soy curls, I am so excited to try them!


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