Offal, Not Awful: How To Cook Organ Meats | Zero Waste Kitchen – Part 4 | Full Episode

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Offal literally means “waste” in some languages. It’s got a nasty reputation for being high in cholesterol and it’s difficult to prep, and …

13 replies
  1. Feng lu
    Feng lu says:

    4:46 I Found my name XD ps. I reckon offal taste better than steak and a lot of other meats. My favorites are the pig intestines and cow stomach. the only thing I don't eat are like the eyes, nose ears or penis part lol

  2. Lilacscentedfushias
    Lilacscentedfushias says:

    There’s a uk company that sells potted beef, they use beef heart in it. I doubt 10% of people actually know it’s in there. I know because I have a lot of MCAD reactions, kind of like allergies, so I have to check ingredient lists. About 4 years ago there was still a stall that had been there selling offal since ww2. It had a couple of chairs and customers could buy a small plate to eat there and then. I’m in northern England for context. I’m not sure if chicken wings are considered offal since they aren’t internal, but yuck! I can’t do it 🤮 it turns my stomach. I’d rather be vegetarian within my very limited diet 🤣 If I see people eating them and there’s a little feather…omg I could throw up 🤢
    I have family in Ukraine and to them it’s ordinary, every day food.
    I think a lot of eating offal comes from childhood, whether they were exposed to it. Chicken wings here just weren’t something people went crazy about, there wasn’t the range of marinades, toppings, breading etc. if people ate them they would be put in the over, maybe some lard. No toppings, salt & pepper at most. So I wasn’t exposed to them. My parents had good jobs so money wasn’t tight, including my grandparents we were well off compared to most people in the area or who I went to school with. We didn’t need to have say liver instead of maybe pork chops. My good friend is the polar opposite, her parents didn’t work. She grew up with a very limited food budget. Although her day would spend far more smoking, gambling and drinking. But she not keen on offal. She will eat liver and kidney within a stew or pie. She’s as bad as I am by the sight of feathers


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