NUT-FREE VEGAN CHEESE SAUCE | 1 sauce, 3 recipes

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A creamy vegan cheese sauce that is nut-free, soy-free, oil-free, and Paleo! Plus, three delicious recipes to make with this Nut-Free Vegan Cheese Sauce!

41 replies
  1. BLaCC BeaUTY
    BLaCC BeaUTY says:

    Just tried your recipe and I didn’t get a cheese vibe more so a great butternut squash soup! Which I love! I use the same measurements maybe the butternut squash I used (precut) was a bit overpowering cause that’s all I tasted, maybe the actual squash will have a less prevalent taste that’ll help… Thanks anyway!!! 😁

  2. N M
    N M says:

    I just made this cheese and it blows my mind. My husband ate it and said he would never notice that it wasn't real cheese- and he's hyper aware of any "fake" recipes I make. Made a Mac and cheese casserole and it's the bomb.
    I've been so sad trying to find dairy subs as they're usually expensive/they suck.

  3. Luvnlight
    Luvnlight says:

    I made this sauce today and it was so yum! I also made some chilli beans and had it in a spinach wrap with the cheese sauce and avocado, my children also loved it. Thank you for this quick and easy recipe!

  4. Malcolm McGhie
    Malcolm McGhie says:

    This is an AMAZING recipe 😋. Best cheese sauce I’ve ever had in my three years of a plant based diet. My whole family loved it, too. I’m making some to share with my coworkers next week. Thank you 🙏🏾

  5. Lsanicki
    Lsanicki says:

    I just made this cheese sauce and it was Da Bomb!!!! I lightened up on the garlic..10 cloves scared me. 😲 I used 5 instead. It was good..but A lil more wouldda been fine. It made more than I needed, but I'm sure I can find ways to indulge in more creamy goodness. Still, for future reference, can it be frozen?
    Love your recipes and you!


  6. Lisa Molinar
    Lisa Molinar says:

    I am so glad that I came across ur channel,I'm @a critical time in life where change is so welcomed..So thank you for showing me a new way of life..I finally feel good about what I put into my body.(The Machine)/lol.

  7. Tracy Vo
    Tracy Vo says:

    okay favorite video ever atm. i’ve been getting into cooking recently and i’m not vegan, but i am a little extra aware of what i put into my body nowadays, also i am allergic to nuts. i’m very free flowing when it comes to me in the kitchen, making these recipes great to be looking forward to!! i’m so happy i came across this video!! 💓

  8. Becky T
    Becky T says:

    Not knocking on the lack oil—that’s your choice—but… you didn’t sauté the garlic, you steamed it, or even braised it considering the amount of water used. Just call it what it is because they are different cooking techniques

  9. :Dont Touch My Hair:
    :Dont Touch My Hair: says:

    Just found your channel but…..

    NEW SUB //////
    Wiggle ……. Hehe

  10. Kristi J
    Kristi J says:

    THANK you for such eady recipes. Question: will this cheese sauce harden? I've used a potato/carrot base before and it sets up like glue when it cools at all. Lovely video!


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