November Savings – Adventures in Groceryland

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Check out some of the meals I’ve had and some of the deals I’ve gotten over the last few weeks.

15 replies
  1. Angela Fleming
    Angela Fleming says:

    You got some great deals Melanie the butter you got is about what we pay in the states normally but Aldi just had a sale on butter for Thanksgiving and it was $2.59 a pound. Congrats on hitting a thousand subscribers.

  2. Cycling On Plants
    Cycling On Plants says:

    Hi Melanie – great video -you sure got some great deals! Wow! I'm in Ontario and my local stores never have boxes like that for flash food. I have to go into the store and look at the discount racks for produce deals but that's okay sometimes I get very lucky!

  3. kathryn dockrey
    kathryn dockrey says:

    Wow, what a difference for those whole chickens. They were regular price of $4.10 a lb!!! Who pays that? (they are always on sale)
    We have been trying to eat the meat in the freezer…this week it was a whole chicken that was in the freezer at least 2 years. Cooked it with liquid to add in some moisture. It tasted great. Have a pot of chicken soup on the stove now, using the carcass.
    Great deals Melanie…and happy to see you again 🙂

  4. Wendy Lind
    Wendy Lind says:

    So great to see another video from you. Great bargain on the flash foods and the chicken. I usually was able to get markdown whole chicken as it is versatile but no luck this month. I decided to stock up on my most used pantry items when on sale. However some items never go on sale such as cornmeal or lentils. I was shocked at the increase in price. When you mentioned in a previous video having a treat such as chocolate. Due to allergies I am unable to do. However, I have been treating myself to special events. I have a ticket to see Ron James this weekend. Very sure you know this man. Wendy from Regina.

  5. Nancy Hemati
    Nancy Hemati says:

    Hi Melanie! I always enjoy your videos. Whatever you decide to share on YouTube, I know I'll find value. Congratulations on the growth of your channel. I'm confident it will continue to expand in the future!

  6. Mary Raybon
    Mary Raybon says:

    Congrats on all the new subscribers!! You did a fantastic job on those grocery deals. I live in Florida and groceries are high here, but they are higher where you are. The meals looked amazing!! We don't entertain much anymore, but I am sure if you do that video series they will be great. Thanks so much for sharing.


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