Normal Costco Grocery Haul, Food Prep, Clean Fridge, & Tidy Pantry! Also Dinner Idea WITH PRICES lol

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Hey party people! Thanks so much for hanging out with me while I share with you this new.

31 replies
  1. A S P
    A S P says:

    You dont need ice for eggs. Cook, put in cold water but crack the shell! It releases from the egg as it cools instead of acting like a cling wrap

  2. sortathesame
    sortathesame says:

    Harvarti is my very favorite cheese from Costco! It makes the absolute best grilled cheese sandwiches, but Harvarti with bacon and tomato is delicious, Harvarti and ham is also great! Can you tell that my family likes sandwiches, especially grilled!

  3. Maryse Malka
    Maryse Malka says:

    Sometimes when I see how much work you have I wish I can run over and help you out it seems like you never get a break. I'm the aunt who is always there to help my nieces and nephews with the kids or house work. I do love your channel and our family we are amazing cooks but when I make one of your recipes I always get amazing reactions especially the salads and desserts

  4. Co Co
    Co Co says:

    I love how you let your tot on the counter. It’s taboo but I let my niece do this when she was not tall enough for a step stool. She uses a stool now with no issues ❤. Her parents freaked I’m like this kid wanted to be in the kitchen I’m accommodating that 😂. She would pick up a broom & try to fold clothes.

  5. Jennifer Silva
    Jennifer Silva says:

    Hi Kim. I love your hauls. Did I ever tell you the story about My mom? She looked like Bea Arthur (almost exactly). One time we were at a restaurant and someone followed me to the rest room and asked if it would be alright to come to our table so they could get a pic with her. They were major fan girl-ing! It was hilarious. We used to get that kind of thing all the time and my mom loved it.

  6. Ashley Gohl
    Ashley Gohl says:

    If you buy that wand thing in a normal pack it comes with a holder for the wand and the cleaner pads that you can keep right next to your toilets. 🙂 Makes it much more convenient.

  7. Wendy Abels
    Wendy Abels says:

    Great video as always!!! That channel that you were referring to is Dougherty dozen. I don't watch her. Not going to say the reasons but I'm sure lots of people know the many reasons why I chose not to. But love your channel!!!

  8. michelleh412
    michelleh412 says:

    The Dougherty dozen lol I always watch her make her breakfast and lunches too but I’ve been watching you for over 6 years and still wait patiently for each new video!!! I don’t know how you do all this and it amazes me


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