No, they don’t care about you!!

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34 replies
  1. kris Alan
    kris Alan says:

    I hate the government, I hate the food industry, I hate the pharmaceutical industry, learning about how they are deliberately poisoning us was the driving factor for me to make a change, I have lost 40 pounds, lift weights, raise my own goats, chickens, turkey and rabbit, throw the middle finger to the establishment and get healthy

  2. Francisco Hernandez
    Francisco Hernandez says:

    It's not carbs that's the problem it's processed foods. Carbs helped build some of the biggest empires in history wether it's corn in mezo America or rice in the Asian countries or wheat in Europe. If these carbs were as bad as they say we wouldn't be here right now. Do you seriously think the common folk in those days only ate meat eveyday?

  3. JimmieOakland
    JimmieOakland says:

    I'm really glad I was raised before fast food became a diet staple. Fast food is not my comfort food, and I never crave it. I probably only eat it once or twice a year, and only when it's convenient.

  4. tipitoe
    tipitoe says:

    Totally agree. Most people are overweight. The worst thing is that they are being told that what they eat is healthy. It's criminal recommending diet based on highly processed carbs as proper human food.

  5. Donna Kona
    Donna Kona says:

    I had started Keto year ago, got caught up on Keto treats and GAINED weight. 6 months later started CV and lost the weight. Now I do Ketovore without Keto Treats! NO weight gain

  6. Mike Uptegrove
    Mike Uptegrove says:

    I had a thought, why did humans add plants to their diet? We always say because meat was harder to get so it was filler. But!, what if we used plants in our diet with the intention of using the plant defense chemicals! What if we added plants into our diet to help kill off various parasites the same way a plant’s defense chemicals do? What if plants were added into our diet as a medicinal, to help curb parasites? I eat mostly meat, but I’ve had parasites. I have to treat those parasites with plant formulas. Not animal ones. So what if we added plants in knowing that keeping parasites out of our bodies was worth the risk of consuming plant’s defense chemicals?

  7. V3 Ethereal
    V3 Ethereal says:

    Companies spend billions to detract from the knowledge we have on how we should be eating while growing up. Anytime I think of how America is I remember a Youtube video called "The Evil Business of Soda", where a huge point of the video is just how much marketing is pushed towards teens to try and build an emotional connection to Coke or Pepsi brands while habits are still forming. It's also allowed in America because how much money is spent Lobbying to Subvert the regulations on what companies can and can't do.

  8. Van The Man
    Van The Man says:

    Although i agree with your assessment of the outcome (obese people everywhere), i don’t agree with your cause – particularly when assessing populations in democratic countries.

    It’s the individual’s responsibility to take care of themselves, thereby giving the surrounding system the input to facilitate accordingly.

    If the government was going to tell us what to eat, there would be riots.

    If the people don’t get to eat what they want, there’d be riots.

    So it’s up to the individual to make the right nutritional choice and for the government to facilitate.

  9. P. S.
    P. S. says:

    The communists who govern Spain (Indra is the company counting votes in the elections, just as in the USA), want to eliminate meat from the school cantines, and are trying to put people against meat consumption.

  10. Ben Goodes
    Ben Goodes says:

    Shawn stay true. Thank you. I believe the love of money wont derail you as it does most . Your message is honest and caring. There is no fitting in. We must Just speak truth always. Simple. Just as we designed to eat meat.

  11. John Rescate
    John Rescate says:

    Albuquerque NM in da house!! I hit one year as a carnivore this past Saturday the 28th! 💪🏽 I tried it to get rid of the psoriasis I was diagnosed with last year in May. I’m about 95-96% psoriasis free (naturally), still battling a little bit of it on the top of my head. Other than that, I’m killin it! On day 10 of the carnivore my blood pressure dropped. Day 12, my doctor took me off all (4) blood pressure pills! Because all I eat is meat, I don’t have acid reflux anymore, I stopped taking that pill also! Because I stopped taking those pills, I stopped taking Ibuprofen for my shoulder, now I just stretch every morning. In June, I will be 1 year med free! 💪🏽💪🏽 I can go on and on about all the benefits my body and health has received being a carnivore. Starting the carnivore was 100% about getting rid of the psoriasis, but now, I can’t imagine EVER going back to eating “regular” food again..the shit is poison! Carnivore-4-Life!

  12. Marleen Nijland
    Marleen Nijland says:

    I agree with you 100%. I grew up in the lat 40's an early 50's in the Netherlands. No fast food, no junk food. In 1955 my parents emigratied to Canada. For us a totally different world. We, as kids, loved. I don.t remember there being any fast food restaurants, but the tv-dinners were in high demand. My mom always made home-cooked meals and I loved them. Meat, potatoes or rice and vegetables and a dessert. We did drink Kool-aid. My parents thought that couldn't be that bad. But in general we ate healthy. I think back at the margarine she bought, the one with a coloring bubble in the middle. We kids would massage that bag until the margarine had the butter tint. In 1960 we returned back to the Netherlands and itvwas pretty much the same as we had left it. The home-cooked meals continued and still no fast food restaurants, except the snackbars where they sold fries, meatballs and other snacks, but it was not a place I frequented. When I started living on my own, I mde home-cooked meals, everybody did. During my twenties things really started to change in The Netherlands, MacDonalds came. I think the first time I went to a MacDonalds was with an American boyfriend. The last time I went to a MacDonalds was when the kids were small. And that's at least 25 years ago. I still love to make the meals my mom used to make them. I cook every day and eat meat and several organic eggs every day. It's hard to come by pastured eggs, but I bought some the other day. For me, a real treat, I love eggs – and bacon too. The punchline of the story is, that here too they don't care about you. I do things my way as I always have done and never take government advice.

  13. K. T.
    K. T. says:

    I agree 100%, it seems that there is a conspiracy in the financial system, in the food industry, in the pharmaceutical industry which aims to keep and expand their control on us.
    This is by design!


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