No Fail Sausage Gravy Secrets Revealed – The Hillbilly Kitchen

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No Fail Sausage Gravy Secrets Revealed. In this video I reveal the secrets to the perfect sausage breakfast gravy. I’ll show you …

29 replies
  1. Ruth Worman
    Ruth Worman says:

    My mom showed my how to make biscuits and gravy when I was but a young little girl like 14 been making all my life. Tks for showing everyone and I love the verse you use on yr channel here. The lord is soo good to us 🙌 isn't he don't kn how I could 🙏 get by without him. Blessings to you and yr family hope 🙏 ❤️ yr well after yr husband has passed I'm sure you have had some hard days here and there. I kn about them I lost my only son and I til you what that is the hardest pain there is ,still have my bad days , so glad I had the lord while I was going tru it. Have a blessed day !🐑 " I am a lamb lover " 🙂💞🥰

  2. Paula McClellan
    Paula McClellan says:

    Love that verse in John.
    The light shined ,that light is the knowledge of God, the darkness couldn't comprehend, or understand,or receive it. That "darkness", means LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. awesome !!.
    God places the LIGHT OF LIFE,into everyone who comes into the world.
    Those words were written 2000 yrs. Ago.
    Now, scientists say ,there is A Flash of Light ,when the sperm & egg comes together. So ,life Begins @ the moment of conception.
    Praise God.

  3. The Bewitching Hour
    The Bewitching Hour says:

    I found it to be a lot easier adding the flour to the sausage to cook off the flour taste and get the milk to mix better like Becky is doing. The last time I made the gravy I wanted to try something the way my great grandma use to make them and I added 2 tablespoons full of bacon grease and what a difference it made. Kicked up the flavor just a notch but you could tell there was something a bit more magical about it.

  4. Scott Hemenway
    Scott Hemenway says:

    Loved big ole country breakfast growing up and still do although I can’t eat it as often these days.
    Love fried eggs and fried tatters smothered in sausage gravy with brown sugar syrup and biscuits.
    Thank you for sharing and God bless you.

  5. Cindy Knuckles
    Cindy Knuckles says:

    It's good to see you're You're still doing your videos and doing good Becky I've got you and your family in my prayers I to I am a country cooker love sausagravy and biscuit I making Often Cindy from Kentucky.


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