NO dishwasher, Baby #8 Update, and Staying Motivated When Depleted with Lisa from @FarmhouseonBoone

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Lisa Bass is a mom of 7 (expecting #8 in July) who shares wholesome from scratch recipes, natural living, handmade projects and …

41 replies
  1. Freedom Farmstead
    Freedom Farmstead says:

    I totally thought I would go ‘downhill’ with each pregnancy, too, Katie! We are expecting our 8th in February and I want to attest that I truly feel like my pregnancies are getting BETTER! 🎉🤯 I’m 36 and we plan to let the Lord dictate how many children we have so I’m intrigued to see what this will look like, but so far, so good! I wanted to jump on to say this because I feel like many women expect a decline but I truly feel like the necessity of doing more children gives me energy! My diet has also improved over the years so that totally may play into it but I am grateful!! ❤

  2. Fab Hair with Britt
    Fab Hair with Britt says:

    I’m due with number 4 in July. Just got my newborn clothes ready and the pack of diapers and the birth supply list checked off, with about a week to my due date 🙌🏻 Enjoying this conversation! ☺️ I grew up in a double wide mobile home with 8 siblings so I can totally relate to your feelings on house sizes!

  3. Alaina Becerra
    Alaina Becerra says:

    I love finding big family community online. Our family and local community do not have large families. It's great to hear so many of the same ideals as we have. We are having our 6th and people keep saying we will need a bigger house ……we still have a bedroom we don't use because our kids don't want to split up! 😆😆

  4. Lauren S
    Lauren S says:

    nice conversation ladies. a few comments. not all have water and electricity to do laundry daily. also im often reminded how seeing no progress is also a time God made be (probably is) addressing the root system before the fruit and processing us in the darkroom. If that makes sense.

  5. Stephanie Dubose
    Stephanie Dubose says:

    I’m so glad that she said that she has kids sleeping on the floor with extra mattresses in the house. We have a room above our 3 car garage with 4 beds in the boys room and space for 3 in the girls room (aka-plenty of room)…but the favorite place to sleep is on the floor in our room… 😂

  6. Homestead Family Idaho
    Homestead Family Idaho says:

    Great topics! I watched both of your channels today and they were both great!! I just want to say I tried chore charts, and giving my 7 year old an allowance, but it really felt like was hard to manage and keep up with it, but also they were not really chores, but responsibilities, things they need to be doung daily, should be doing, not for money or stickers or rewards, but to be a helpful contributing member of the home, so I decided I
    wamted to make their lists more like my own. I ended up making them each a daily responsibilities chart, and if they did those they could maybe watch t.v. in the afternoon while I make dinner or those type of extra things. It's mostly basics like brush teeth, get dressed, make your bed, pick up toys, feed the dog, help with the chickens, clear the table etc. depending on their age, and its working really well, I use pictures for the younger kids, and they enjoy helping and being responsible too.

  7. Elise Wood
    Elise Wood says:

    We were a family of 4 in 400sq ft until we built our new 600sq ft tiny home ❤we still want more kiddos God willing! My thoughts exactly why do people need a room per child???? Americans are a little silly, I like having my kids share rooms I did with my sister growing up and liked it just fine. We have acreage to spend time outside with the animals and I love having my family close, I think that’s what Americans are majorly missing today.

  8. Megan Martin
    Megan Martin says:

    I love how Lisa couldn't exactly remember how she got through the early years because to me, it just proves that God does indeed carry you through different seasons! 🙂

  9. Katie Yungen
    Katie Yungen says:

    Lisa… (not a word for word quote… we have good intentions, but then we plant the garden, and it's so nice outside, and then it's like, Oh, I guess we're done with school!
    Thankyou, mama! I no longer feel guilty about this happening in our home!! Also, camping… done with the tent! I feel you!! 😂😂
    Another thankyou for making me no longer feel guilty about not doing chore charts!! ❤

  10. Sara Johnson
    Sara Johnson says:

    If anyone find out where she gets her aprons, let us know! 😂 Can’t wait to go listen to podcast the one on her channel. You guys are my top 2 favorite moms to learn from!


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