NEW YEAR $460 Once a Month Grocery Haul + $83 Household Supplies

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39 replies
  1. @lisashadle1716
    @lisashadle1716 says:

    I have 5 kids, 3 of them boys! I not only hid the food, but put a lock on the larger pantry with the only key in my possession or they would run through the food SO fast! Whoever would leave a negative comment about you “hiding” food either has not a shred of common sense or have no kids/especially boys! Get a life people and mind your own business!!!

  2. @ifthecreekdontrise
    @ifthecreekdontrise says:

    I grew up on those donuts & still make them for special treats for my kids & grands. My mom always made them with the little canned biscuits, which I can usually find at Kroger. We liked them best with powdered sugar. And as for Outdoor Boys, we like watching them! Our grands love some of their older Nerf war videos. We like watching all his adventures. Happy New Year!

  3. @caroljulian6505
    @caroljulian6505 says:

    I’m 62 years old and my mom made biscuits donuts all the time just let them cool a little bit before you shake them in the powder sugar or it sort of melts into it some people take a little cutter and cut out in the middle of the biscuitsand use that to make donut holes instead of putting your finger in it and making a hole

  4. @marieholzwasser9224
    @marieholzwasser9224 says:

    Hi Jennifer, wanted to let you know that I made your cranberry nut bread over the holidays and it came out fantastic. My husband already wants me to make another loaf. He couldn't decide if he liked the orange or the cranberry in the bread. I loved everything!!!!

  5. @kelliejackson1191
    @kelliejackson1191 says:

    I know you mean to just have it later. I don't know why people leave negative comments. Another channel I watch did a short of camping in their RV. It showed a couple of kids sleeping on the floor. There was tons of comments about how cruel for kids to sleep on the floor. My grandson who is nine always wants to buy a prime also.

  6. @tammybrown1327
    @tammybrown1327 says:

    Happy New Year! Great grocery haul. I'm old enough to be your mother and when I was growing up and still do have fish/seafood on Fridays and I'm not Catholic. I pray that this year will be a safe and blessed one for all of us!

  7. @cynthiaannblaha5127
    @cynthiaannblaha5127 says:

    Geez, people, I also hide things from my family otherwise it’s gone when I need it for something I have planned. Snacks or quick food tend to get eaten first and the more healthy food gets left. We do meatless Fridays, also, 99% of the time.

  8. @elenacala
    @elenacala says:

    Can you eat fish for no meat Friday? I know some people don't consider eating fish meat. If you can you could always do fish tacos for me meat Friday, or a baked ziti without meat just lots of ricotta and mozzarella. Also cheese stuffed giant shells is a great non soup meatless meal. I sometimes do meals meals just to cut back on expensive meat for my budget. Also making a taco-esqe filling using beans corn taco seasoning, and then putting it on a baked potato or sweet potato if you like them and then top them with cheese, guacamole, sour cream, fresh tomatoes etc.

  9. @debgordon6542
    @debgordon6542 says:

    I enjoyed this video immensely. You were right when you promised a little bit of everything. Great deals in this haul, but I was most surprised by the mushroom purchase lol. I think the creamy chicken recipe was one of 5 new dinners you tried & was a big hit. Have a "better" New Year to all the Brockmans! Love, the Gordon Girls

  10. @Bebs28
    @Bebs28 says:

    Hi Jennifer! We make the donuts from biscuits too. I’d recommend cutting the biscuit in half – depth wise. Otherwise the biscuit is too thick and it will be doughy inside and crispy on the outside. Also, a bottle cap makes great hole maker then you can fry up the donut holes too.


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