Nerdversations with Mic the Vegan! Health, Environment, Conspiracies.

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Everyone loves Mic! We talk vegan health, beef’s dark shadow, and a world gone mad with conspiracy theories. 0:00 Is Mic my …

48 replies
  1. v i
    v i says:

    It's a bit off topic for this video but i simply picked the latest one… I've run across the video linked below. I've seen Dr Lustig's talk on fructose a few years ago and it made a lot of sense. I also feel a lot of things he says here sounds solid but I'm not 100% sure. I've always felt iffy about the host- the grain brain guy….I would love to get your opinion on it.
    [Take back your health with Dr Robert H. Lustig]

    Thank you!

  2. Rachel Goodkind
    Rachel Goodkind says:

    Flesh blood dairy eggs fishes=Humans love to hear good things about their bad habits.
    Thus the animal eating video's are so popular.. Its' okay to victimize animals. right?. Makes no sense to me.

  3. Rachel Goodkind
    Rachel Goodkind says:

    Thank you both for being fair, honest, caring, and compassionate about animals.
    This is completely missing in the flesh-based video faces you mentioned. Theirs'
    are the linear protein, fats, "nutrient density", what do I get out of it. The animals
    are merely objects and products to those humans. However if the animals could
    speak for themselves, they would love and praise you both for saving their lives. Kudos.

  4. John Dove
    John Dove says:

    Question for a future video perhaps?
    As you have extensively addressed, there are many issues eating processed foods and such, but there are many issues that arise from obesity, regardless of how healthy the food one consumes. I was wondering if there is a cross roads where the 2 meet. For example, is a collage athletes who eats junk but maintains a respectable body composition and athleticism that much better or worse than a vegan who's a hundred pounds overweight? in a even more extreme case, what about the Dr. Haub twinkie diet compared to our rotund vegan friend?
    Thank you for the awesome videos!

  5. Terk Franks
    Terk Franks says:

    Starting week 21 Going Vegan, (3rd week no oil/nuts to lose more weight) have a lot of weight to lose, but feeling better and better each day. Not gonna lie, I have had some really healthy poops too.
    Thank you for your videos!

  6. Mike N
    Mike N says:

    Needed an hour of uninterrupted time to savor this discussion. Love both of your channels. Keep up the good fact based work. I discovered Mic early in my plant based journey. He helped me so much.

  7. Kaye Pellow
    Kaye Pellow says:

    I love this honesty. I am an Adventist vegan 69 year old. I eat Chef AJ way. My family was mostly vegan and after seeing too many get cancer I am against oil which they all ate.

  8. Reaction munchers
    Reaction munchers says:

    I throughly enjoyed the chat. Congrats Chris you have a great channel with superb information. I have also read that genes play a big role as well. My grandparents died at 96 no heart disease. Both used coconut oil and lard to cook. I’ve used coconut oil since my early 20’s going on 50 with no issues based on my blood work. As we age the body has to down regulate and carrying too much muscle isn’t optimal. I’m not saying be unhealthy skinny but you don’t see many 90 plus people walking with crazy amount of muscle.

  9. Reed Haubenstock
    Reed Haubenstock says:

    Imo nutrient density isn’t as big of an issue for people who can afford fresh produce and have the resources to make their own food; it’s more of a guideline for those who eat a lot of processed foods that may result in a lack of certain micronutrients to aim for foods with more micros so that they have a better chance of meeting those micronutrient RDAs

  10. tracy ehrenberg
    tracy ehrenberg says:

    love the idea of you two banging around ideas and digging in on the latest studies. seems the more smart people band together, the more we all win. rich roll has almost a million subs, and he hits on plant based quite a bit. also, vegan linked is terrific for hearing personal experiences, and he showcases lots of medical professionals. hopefully voices like yours start to take over and drown out the others

  11. Ber4nger10
    Ber4nger10 says:

    Hey Chris! Greetings from a Finnish vegan. I was wondering if you have any plans about doing an in-depth video about Omega-3's? Specifically about ALA conversion into DHA and EPA, best omega-3 sources, plant- vs animal sources, their health effects and maybe about how influencers on both sides depict the issue and how it's represented in literature.

    Also I'd love to hear about your thoughts on pescatarianism (not sure if I spelled that correctly) since fish historically has been a part of the worlds healthiest diets. And how would a serving or two of fish a week affect a diets sustainability and enviromental effects? I often get asked, when diet comes up, in converstion, that "well you still eat some FISH at least, right?"

    I get a little cross-eyed if I try to read studies but I love watching your videos. Please keep up the amazing work you're doing. Your channel is an informational treasure.

    – Juuso

  12. Julietta🌹 Aragon
    Julietta🌹 Aragon says:

    @ Plant Chompers ————
    I ended up being person #888 that liked this video ( re: thumb up👍 ) . . . it must be a good omen. I really enjoyed the contents, and I appreciate you sharing it on your channel. I look forward to more similar kinds of presentations from you.

  13. The Price Life
    The Price Life says:

    Really enjoyed this video. Chris keep up the great work, your content facilitates change and action. May I suggest watching a Pod Cast on Rich Roll's channel he did on Mike Freemont, who ran is last marathon at 98 (and at 100 still runs 5 miles 3 times a week). I am guessing he has a pretty low resting heart rate, at 100 years old. He has been a runner his whole life. You might ask him what his resting heart rate is. I think you would like the pod cast as he talks about your favorite 2 topics, plant based nutrition and climate change as he is an activist. He may be a potential interviewee for you, how many 100 year old vegan athletes that are passionate about climate change do you get to talk to? He holds several world marathon records he set in his 80's and 90's. You may also want to contact Dr. Michael Klaper of A diet for a new america fame and also PCRM, The Game Changers, Cowspiracy ect.. He has some great information on Cholesterol and how it is not the natural Cholesterol produced by Plant Based Vegans but the oxidative stressed Cholesterol that damages artery's. He can very much explain the science behind this better than I can. I could see you and Dr. Klaper hitting it off, he is an intellectual with a great sense of humor. Keep up the good work! You are making a difference!

  14. Felipe Gonzalez
    Felipe Gonzalez says:

    This was so good! Mic is such a nice and sharp guy. Kinda sad that yours and Mic’s videos on the environmental impact of our diets have the least views: If we lose our planet, we lose everything :/
    Not that it would bother me if you monetize your videos, but it’s really noble of you to dedicate a big deal of your time now as a retiree to these amazing videos with no other motives but to help inform us all. It’s such an amazing legacy. Thank you once again Chris! Love who you are ❤

  15. KnockingSeeker Finder
    KnockingSeeker Finder says:

    I like the antioxidant in the middle night idea. I always make a daily 3l of tea mixing rouibos tulsi mountain tea hibiscus sage chamomile and many more. Wake up about 3am to urinate and chug some tea for this reason.

  16. Peter 5.0
    Peter 5.0 says:

    I think the pescaveg/vegan SDA difference isn't statistically significant. And yeah, I think I remember that Greger mentioned that the pescatarians were not eating the fake meats that the vegans were. So, if I remember correctly, that statistic shows that not eating fake meats is better for health.

  17. foxlola1
    foxlola1 says:

    it is amazing to see great minds trading ideas, speaking the truth, gaining understanding and dispersing knowledge. thank you for an intelligent conversation. thank you so much for continuing to push for the good health of the citizens of the world with such class.

  18. asloan193
    asloan193 says:

    I have a coworker who is an Adventist, he eats a lot of the fake meats, but he was off the strict diet for many years and now is working his way back on it. His Mother who is i thin in her 90s has been vegan for a very long time.

  19. Taylor
    Taylor says:

    Hey Chris, talking about the tea thing, if I remember right from one of your other episodes, your wife has problems with iron anemia, fyi drinking tea with meals can reduce iron absorption by 70%, vitamin c increases it similarly. Also, are you sure about Gil Carvallo? He strikes me as a nice guy but kinda taking a sciencey sounding middle of the road stance on things. Also thanks for your vids, the iron one especially (and this was interesting too of course).

  20. Helena Åberg
    Helena Åberg says:

    Nice talk. I've questions. In my country, attempts have been made to reduce peat production for climate reasons. It has turned out that, e.g., in broiler production, peat is used as litter. Has that kind of emissions from dried peat bogs counted to the animal industry at all? Also that division to beef and cheese and milk is bit disturbing. Like cheese and milk production does not need cows body. How's that possible? And why milk and cheese are divided?


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