MY WW MEAL PREP| Chicken Burrito Bowls (INSTANT POT) | Mexican Meatloaf | Chocolate Protein Cookies!

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit

Hi everyone and thanks for watching my WW Meal Prep video. These meal preps are the food that I eat for weight loss each week. So far I have lost a total of 72 …

35 replies
  1. Denise Wilson
    Denise Wilson says:

    Jennifer, do you have any farmer’s markets near you? Cantelope, peppers and tomatoes are in season. They would be so much more flavorful if you would try the local farmer’s market. I never buy my produce at the grocery store this time of year. Enjoy watching your videos.

  2. Linda Marney
    Linda Marney says:

    Great picture of you Two.
    Charlie what a Help you are.
    How can you cut up food items so fast. Ha
    These two main dishes shown today, I'm going to cook this week. Thank you
    Jennifer. / Inspiring One.

  3. Rosemary Munson
    Rosemary Munson says:

    Great job! I am going to try the Mexican meatloaf for sure! Love how you prepped the sweet potato’s. Congratulations on your first time using the instant pot. The cookies look so good.

  4. Melissa Hawkins
    Melissa Hawkins says:

    Pomegranate is an acquired taste. I loved our Pomegranate tree when I was young. Mom not so much it stained everything. So very good for you if you can get used to the taste it will grow on you.

  5. maxtraks
    maxtraks says:

    The main thing with an instant pot/electric pressure cooker is to…1. Make sure the pressure knob is set to sealed or it won't build up pressure, and 2: When it's done, make sure all pressure is released before taking the lid off. I use mine almost daily. I cook potatoes, chicken, beef…it cuts cooking time in half. I hope you get used to using it.

  6. Darla Dwight
    Darla Dwight says:

    👍 Can you please link me to your cookie recipe… I want to get the protein powder that you use. Thank you so much. Love you and Charlie ( pets too!) and all your videos!

  7. rachand007
    rachand007 says:

    I need to try the Mexican meatloaf. I wonder if using 1/2 the packet of Jiffy would work? Just to bring down the points some. Any who, I have an instant pot and scared of it as well. One day I'll use that darn thing. LOL!

  8. Jill K
    Jill K says:

    I’m also scared of the instant pot I inherited from my son… I still have yet to use it. Then again… when I switched from being an avid android phone user to an iPhone two years ago… the pretty red iPhone sat in the box for SIX whole months before I made the switch. It took a pandemic and shutdown and the fear of potentially not being able to see my nuggets (grandchildren) because my phone wasn’t compatible with my son and DILs phones! I guess I’m not good with change🤷🏼‍♀️. The meals looks amazing.. as always!! Thank you for another great meal prep!

  9. Beautifullymeandyou
    Beautifullymeandyou says:

    Ok I’m just starting, but who needs Publix precut fruit when you have Charlie!! I want him to come cut up all my meats and fruits! 😂 Let me get back to it. I really want to try those cookies, but I don’t want to buy those protein powders. Do you think any protein power will work?


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