My vegan grocery haul to lose 40lbs (10 basic items – 2024)

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If I was stranded on an island right now – THESE would be my top 10 things I would have in abundance with me! This grocery haul …

15 replies
  1. @shanifridrich4997
    @shanifridrich4997 says:

    Thank you! I’ve been using your shake recipes from your book. I also do an orange strawberry one with the beans and that is really good too. I was wondering how long you store your beans in the fridge ? I’m not sure how much to make at one time.

  2. @jillhollon768
    @jillhollon768 says:

    New Subscriber here!!
    I've been Vegan for 7+ years and look forward to learning more about your story and your tips and tricks for weight loss!!
    Congratulations on your weight loss!! I look forward to watching your journey! I wish you much continued success!!

  3. @CharGC123
    @CharGC123 says:

    I am always scoffing at people who tell me they they "can't" (be bothered maybe) eat a WFPB diet because it is so expensive and difficult! I am on a super tight retirement budget, so sticking to the basics and seasonal products, and eliminating all the animal products, processed and packaged junk, and convenience items have cut my grocery bill dramatically… though ALL prices are so challenging as of late!
    Funny how we all have such different tastes… I'm apparently in a very small minority, as sweets usually have little appeal to me… even fruit, which I struggle to get enough of. I always steam my sweet potatoes to minimize their sweetness, and ripe bananas are just gross to me, they taste like nail polish or paint remover smells! LOL! Carrots, celery, onions, potatoes, oats, canned tomatoes, broccoli, salad greens, cabbage, dried legumes and grains are my top 10! I love the idea of your shakes and have enjoyed them as an occasional dessert, but replacing the option of a warm savory meal with a sweet one isn't for me. I wanted an equally easy and healthy savory option and since I have a decent blender that heats liquids by friction, it was pretty simple. I toss in those cooked beans, a mix of any and all raw diced veg, 1/2 cup of oats… and since I have never considered "milk" of any kind a beverage and rarely if ever buy any, I add some hemp hearts or a few nuts and 2 cups of boiling water to replace it, along with some miso, and whatever seasonings strike my fancy. I blend on high for 4 or so minutes until it's steaming and silky smooth. Yum, super easy, almost instant "cream" of anything soup! My favorites at the moment are cream of celery (with added greens), and cream of mushroom made by dry blending the oats, seeds and dried mushrooms to a powder before adding the hot water and other ingredients. Thank you so much for the inspiration, you are a rock star!!!

  4. @normalopez2856
    @normalopez2856 says:

    Just purchased the zero fat ebook!!! Wowzers the shakes look delicious but most importantly they are easy and I have most of the ingredients already!!!!!! I keep my dry beans always stocked up! I have a huge bulk of beans in my pantry.


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