MY Pantry vs. Grocery Store | Tomato Preservation

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Tomatoes are coming in hot and heavy right now – add in everything else from the garden, and there’s no way for me to keep up …

25 replies
  1. GM48
    GM48 says:

    Thank you for all your videos Rachel. I made your spaghetti sauce recipe a week ago and love it! 21 1/2 quarts from my 18 qt roaster. I did use my kitchen aid fruit strainer to remove the seeds and skins after I cored them. Cooked all day was the best batch so far! Named the recipe "1870s Homestead Spaghetti Sauce" ! If you have time when you make your tomato soup, would love to see a video and recipe on that! Thank you for sharing with us all! 😊

  2. Central Texas Homestead - Mike and Rochelle
    Central Texas Homestead - Mike and Rochelle says:

    WOW Rachel that's a good amount of tomatoes! We freeze our bulk grains as well. I remember when we were young we opened up a bag of flour and there was pests in it. We do love your pizza sauce recipe (Chef Approved). We just need to go buy tomatoes so we can make some more. LOL We knew with the drought that we were not going to have a good harvest so we do have a source of organic and we do have a few gallon bags in the freezer I need to can. Good to see yawl, God Bless. Mike

  3. Lamgardn
    Lamgardn says:

    I love watching you guys and learning from you! Thank you for sharing! I have a safe canning question. When you add low acid zucchini or other vegetables to your high acid water bath canned products, do you somehow test the acidity levels or know safe proportions of high to low acid foods so you know that botulism in your canned products isn't a concern? Your recipes sound wonderful! But I want to be sure they're safe for my family.

  4. Terina LeBlanc
    Terina LeBlanc says:

    Been bagging up my tomatos and freezing them as you have said. Looking forward to canning them in different ways. Of course, I am going to look at your tomato canning videos again to follow. Looking forward to pizza sauce!! Thank you Rachel.

  5. Tracey Campbell
    Tracey Campbell says:

    Rachel, don't apologize for taking time to relax and refresh. You work full time on top of homesteading. I hope people aren't commenting such hateful things to you that it makes you feel the need to explain yourself. Ugh…people! Keep doing YOU. If they don't like it… They can move along. Lol I too would like to see your tomato soup recipe 😊

  6. Mandie Johnson
    Mandie Johnson says:

    I also heard if you add half of an apple to your sauce it does the same as a carrot have not tried it yet I have tried Mrs. Wages salsa it is ok but not my cup of tea I can a salsa that is simple it just has garlic tomatoes Jalapenos onion salt pepper and some vinegar

  7. Mandie Johnson
    Mandie Johnson says:

    can I ask what temperature is your pantry? i know it sounds like an odd question but in my basement, there is a pantry toom my granny used to store her canning it stayed about 80 or so degrees in the summer months and much cooler in the winter months and I am not sure if I could store my canning in there and have it be ok because I have been told canning should be always stored at between 50 and 75 degrees and temp fluctuation is not good for canned goods either so I am at a loss I really enjoy watching your videos you just keep things simple and real

  8. dymondwillow2
    dymondwillow2 says:

    i have heard to 'score and core' tomatoes before freezing so the skins come off easily. What to do if I do not know what I want to make with the tomatoes? is there a 'neutral' sauce to make to tweak into what I want at the time… i.e. pizza sauce.

  9. Susan Keriacos
    Susan Keriacos says:

    I saw you moving corn in zipper bags in your freezer. Par-cooked or shucked and frozen? PS, from Hillsdale County MI!! Love hearing what your garden is doing and comparing to ours 😊

  10. tracy morrison
    tracy morrison says:

    i love all your recipes and am in tomato harvest and carrots,potatoes and peaches mode; just canned some blueberry pie filling and there are not enough hours in the day feeling….. get overwhelmed with the harvest season every year. Also made canned coleslaw but still have 3 large purple and green cabbages to do down.


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