My Mom Told Me To SHUT UP + Announcement

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Carona virus isolation blues and life update. My 100 lb Weight Loss Story: 5 Months of Eating A LOAD of POTATOES: …

23 replies
  1. Temper Hollow
    Temper Hollow says:

    You have the most beautiful skin. Would you mind sharing what you use for face wash and or moisturizer? I know that your healthy eating choices have a lot to do with it. Congrats on the 2020 weight loss! I have 40 to lose which is the most I've had to ever lose. I've gained a lot since switching to plant based so have some work ahead. Be well.

  2. sn232
    sn232 says:

    Aw, I think you look beautiful without bangs 🙂 Up your greens and see if you start to feel more happy, and get out there and walk those pups…it's tough for everyone all across the world going thru this, having to stay home so much, so I think many can understand completely. Spring is here…at least we'll be able to get out and walk, or at least get some sun on our faces and fresh air woohoo!!! Hang in there 🙂

  3. Traci Stumpf
    Traci Stumpf says:

    Could you do a video on your current exercises? Especially your trampoline and hula hoop? I have a trampoline and love it! More people need to know the amazing-ness of it. Thanks! Love the hat! Great colors and you blended in with your wall. 🙂

  4. perfumegal
    perfumegal says:

    Don’t let your viewers comment on your shape. You have inspired people to make health changes through nutrition and lifestyle change. Please don’t allow superficiality – we are not just our bodies, we are people. My daughter has anorexia and a focus only on shape is pathological. You look amazing to me. I applaud your efforts. Keep well. I look forward to your kale chips. 😘❤️🌈

  5. small footprint
    small footprint says:

    The glasses are cool. Glad you have them. Might need an adjustment, because I forget I have mine on. It's been a lot of struggle, but I'm off caffeine too, finally letting go of the chocolate snacks. I did the same thing. Mine was 80 lbs, so now I'm back on track, and letting go of the non MWLP foods. Not sure how much I've gained but, I'm uncomfortable, and it's scary to feel that I could so 'easily' justify eating off track. Yes, I've done this over and over, so once again I hope that I am willing to enjoy my chosen plan. I know I don't have to focus on losing weight when I buy and eat only on plan… and.. I do love the food. So good to see you more often.

  6. Peace as You Think
    Peace as You Think says:

    So glad to hear your gonna do more in April I always look forward to it. Hope to see pictures of potatoes too! They encourage me to keep eating them. Oh and you may get tired of your forehead but it's pretty with or without bangs, just so you know. Looking forward…..

  7. Plantbased Cyn
    Plantbased Cyn says:

    I’ve been on and off the I lost the weight and “I can’t care” bus since October, jumped back on in February and fell off when my Dad died 3 weeks ago, I’m back on now and not planning on falling off again. With it all I think I’ve put 20-25 lbs back on. Haven’t been on a scale because I don’t want to see the number 🙄

  8. Veggie Trish
    Veggie Trish says:

    I finally jumped on the scale this morning and I literally weigh the exact sam as I did on January 1st 😕 I have a lot of catching up to do to get back where I was. I'm on track right now though so that's a positive.

  9. gwen theRawVegan
    gwen theRawVegan says:

    i cut my own hair…it will grow again haha. My parents passed over 10yrs ago and my other family live 5 countries away north. Wish I was in the house with my family…haha but I have 20 rescued cats that need me…alone without humans but have my fur babies….Ive been coaming off of asthmatic bronchitis so Ive been missing my 5k walks 5x a week…perspective is everything right…haha …thanks for the off of potatoes, smoothie bowls and fresh fruits..pineapple watermelon bananas…🙏💕✨🌎📿😻🇨🇦🇵🇦.. meditation in many online groups has got me through these days..grateful 🙏


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