My Journey With Chronic Illness Episode 10 – Enough With the Stress.

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This is a vlog about how I’m addressing my Lymphocytic Colitis. There is very little information on what it is and how to treat it.

1 reply
  1. Susan Bundlie
    Susan Bundlie says:

    Hiya, Shea! Another great episode; thanks so much for sharing. I can't remember how long you've been carnivore. I have been since May of 2020–about 2 months after my LC diagnosis (after years of D). It's working really well for me–I actually had Christmas cookies and some alcohol over the holidays and was fine until I flew home. Then I had a flare that lasted . . . 2 days!!! TWO! It was amazing. I really do think the stress you're living under exacerbates symptoms. My husband and I are alone in our cozy home, and he is also carnivore (no chopping potatoes!). I just can't imagine having a couple of children here to worry about and not knowing what will happen from day to day. It must be awful. Here's hoping that you keep getting better and better as time goes on.


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