My Go-To Solution for Puny Plants (a HOT day and festival peek) | VLOG

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Click “Show more to see links!” RuthAnn Zimmerman’s Mock Pineapple video:

20 replies
  1. heather notz daniels
    heather notz daniels says:

    I whipped up my first batch of mock pineapple this weekend. I think I did 6 pounds of zucchini and got myself 8 pints of mock pineapple. Pretty awesome stuff. And it looks pretty neat in the jars 🙂 WHoot, Whoot!! I was excited to learn it was USDA approved for canning. It's from the 70's, it looks like.

  2. Tracie Ratliff
    Tracie Ratliff says:

    LOL the back of me made it into Leah's video. I loved listening to you speak that weekend. My friend and I have already bought our tickets for next year so we look forward to seeing you again. 🙂

  3. SE Robinson aka cyborg rose
    SE Robinson aka cyborg rose says:

    I was visiting South Carolina this week and it was so hot that I was able to sit in the shade drinking water OK but I could not imagine actually working in that heat. And I live in Maryland so we do get some high 90 days but South Carolina heats a whole different thing

  4. Linda Woody
    Linda Woody says:

    I just harvested the first Zucchini of the 2023 season and am very happy. It is 102 degrees and we may go as high as 107 in coming days here in NW Arizona Mohave Desert 3000' elevation zone 8B.

  5. Kimberlie Buffington
    Kimberlie Buffington says:

    So grateful for R&R. The Inspiration you provide has pushed us to be better gardeners, keep trying new plants, to be fearless in the garden. We moved the garden closer to the house, created it as a place to be and enjoy not just to go work in. It has changed our attitude towards the garden and the garden is thriving as a result! We live in the hot norther Nevada desert. Poor soil, intense heat in summer and intense cold in winter and crazy pest pressure….we are succeeding despite it all!

  6. David Straub
    David Straub says:

    Thanks for the garden tips Jess …. hope you and Miah + family are having a very nice Independence Day weekend …. take care👍🏻✌🏻🍅🌶🫑Please give Bear a big pat on the head for me🐕‍🦺

  7. Jen Joy
    Jen Joy says:

    Jess you are so blessed the way you have zucchini and squash rolling in. I have such an issue with pollination. My plants are so healthy and thriving with lots of flowers but they never get pollinated on their own. I live in a development with neighbors close and I’m sure some homes are spraying or doing things that scare away the pollinators. At the beginning of spring I had high hopes. I was seeing lots of bees but now hardly anything. I tried planting all the things to bring them in but I’ll keep on trying. It saddens me. I hope to one day move to a larger property where I would love to keep bees myself. I guess it’s hand pollinating the squash for me. Anyways just wanted to tell you I love seeing how well you’re doing. Have a fantastic day. ❤

  8. Naynerboppers
    Naynerboppers says:

    I truly believe that many seeds this year are not as good of quality. I have tried a number of styles, with a number of brands, soil recipes, and seed starting methods and have had a harder time getting germination. I feel like the contamination in many areas was bad enough with last year's crops that it impacted the seeds this year. I have had the worst luck with my MIGardener seeds but better luck with older seeds (even seeds from 5 years ago) and seeds from Botanical Interests.

  9. Naynerboppers
    Naynerboppers says:

    Hi Leah! Fellow Californian here! Loved the video btw and I subscribed! I'm thinking about starting a channel (mostly for myself) since I'm only a year into gardening and am turning my corner lot front yard into an urban garden with raised beds, containers, and some in ground (mostly stuff my grandparents put in during the 70's).

  10. Amy Brown
    Amy Brown says:

    Just popped in to say, my 20 something daughter and mother of 1 just called me and said she wants to learn more about providing and growing food for healthier options for her small family..I was sooo happy! And you were the first person I sent her to! You are so amazing and I know you will reach her and guide her and give her the confidence she needs to start this adventure! I absolutely adore you and I am so grateful for you and your content ❤️


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