My fridge died and THIS happened. Will I be able to REVIVE this produce?!

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Have some produce that needs reviving? Try these hacks! Plus some easy recipes to use up our prepped items (recipes linked …

13 replies
  1. David's Allotment
    David's Allotment says:

    Yes, it's irritating that the fridge died and Maddie it's good that not all the food was wasted. Hopefully Maddie can get a new fridge soon but until you have a replacement you'll need to be careful about what produce you buy. So even what was a negative situation Maddie did something positive to prevent dwelling on the negativity. So hopefully the rest of the day when the fridge died got more positive. Love 🥰 the video and love 💕❤Maddie & Q.

  2. Char Covelesky
    Char Covelesky says:

    I can sure empathize… we lost everything during the hurricane. We were already so financially strapped it broke my heart to toss so much frozen and perishable food! When we finally got our power back after 9 days and restocked the fridge, guess what… it died! Grrrrr!!! Ever feel like the universe is out to get you? LOL Luckily we have some great neighbors and 2 instant pots that became like old fashioned soup kettles that kept us going! On a positive note… I'm happy to have a working ice-maker again here in FL, the old one hadn't worked in years!

  3. John Giasi
    John Giasi says:

    What a way to make lemonade out of lemons!!! Glad you are back up and running, but even without a fridge failure (and the fun hook intro!); You address the VERY REAL problem of reviving those "on the edge" veggies that happen from time to time in every whole-food plant-based house. These are such great tips; I definitely need to remember to give the ice water soak a try. Also, 🤔what's the deal on those snazzy white drawstring bags? We need a link!

  4. Marcia Suminski
    Marcia Suminski says:

    I've always had a problem with things like tomatoes going bad before their time or I just forget about them, so I bought something called Fresh Paper that keeps my produce fresher longer. For example my grape tomatoes stayed fresher for 2 weeks longer than normal, my cut up peppers a week longer.


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