my days in april | buy bento🌸, grocery shopping, sushi, japanese bbq, teatime at cafe

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Chapters 00:00 intro 00:51 buy bento and go out 06:40 entrance ceremony & BBQ lunch 09:10 gardening & teatime 11:25 …

31 replies
  1. Linna in Japan
    Linna in Japan says:

    Happy Saturday 🤗 how are you doing? My days were packed with outing and schooling for the boys😮‍💨 Finally spring holiday finished and new life begins in April 💛🎶

    I hope you are doing well 🤩🥰🌼

  2. Cindy Rapoport
    Cindy Rapoport says:

    Looks like everyone enjoyed spring break! Your boys eat so well. When my kids were younger they ate terrible even though I tried my best to give them healthy food. Now that they are adults, they eat great!

  3. Cindy M
    Cindy M says:

    Your boys have quite the appetite for sushi. Looks like everyone enjoyed. You looked very pretty with your pearls and your outfit. 🤗🌷🙏🏻Congratulations to K!

  4. Holly Clark
    Holly Clark says:

    Lucky boys! The science museum looks fun. We have one in our city too. Such a great place to learn through play. Hope the boys have enjoyed their spring holidays. It's autumn here in Australia and it's starting to get cold. 🍂


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