My Current Supplement Stack In January 2022!

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31 replies
  1. Brandon A
    Brandon A says:

    Solid “stack.” D3/K2 and Fish Oil are essentials for those of us on TRT as well as with the general population. I get 4g EPA/1g DHA daily. It’s by far the most expensive “supplement” that I buy each month, but totally worth it! May I ask if you have heard of supplementing Ubiquinol? I’ve noticed some benefits in my recovery between sets when I use it.

  2. Nicolas Klug
    Nicolas Klug says:

    Jason, you mentionned using ON whey for the extra protein and satiety. Have you ever considered ON casein? For the same macros you have way more satiation and slower digestion though its a bit more expensive.

    XxKATOONxX says:

    Has a physician im amazed to see finally someone mention that K2 is vital to prevent slow calcification of blood vessels has women that where loaded with d3 and calcium for osteoporosis usually end up with calcification of blood vessels so great job coach amazing advise , not only it helps build muscles its also health related , most supplements are useless but creatine has been shown to help hearth failure patients , alzymers ect but creatine is cheap and they can’t own it and of course the mentioning of contamination ect most knowledgeable real no bs fitness coach , even motivational guy stay true

  4. dying breed
    dying breed says:

    Same basic stack I put my money on. I do take zinc picolinate as well.
    No need for anything else.
    I religiously eat alaskan wild caught sockeye salmon twice a day for omega 3s. I get the bag of frozen salmon from Costco.
    Vitamin d3 from the sun and capsules. K2 I get it from grass fed butter.
    Im using R1 Isolate Whey Protein.
    Whey concentrates rips my insides.

  5. l
    l says:

    Jason, have you ever heard or come across people who become ill / sick the next day after deadlifting? Could he a CNS recovery issue compounding another problem in my training / life?


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