MS Journey Update week 98 | Incoming Rant | what I ate this week

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MS #MeatHeals #MultipleSclerosis MS Journey Update week 98 + what I ate this week Saturday 11/05/22 Breakfast = hard boiled …

22 replies
  1. 50 Shades of Gravy
    50 Shades of Gravy says:

    I know I’m a broken record, but again-THIS is why y’all are loved! You are consistent! You are tried and true! You are the real deal! What you see is what you get!

    And, you guys walk the walk. I can attest, these guys are not just showing videos of a life to get reviews-it’s the life they LIVE and the true success that steadiness & dedication WILL pay off!

    Folks that bounce week to week or diet to diet or challenge to challenge just can’t seem to grasp-stick with a plan and ride it out. You may not see big results quickly or even as fast as you’d like-but this is a LIFE changer and a key to longevity! NOT a quick fix!

    I, myself, can attest as well as Heath, Shelly, and countless others that no longer require prescription medications for major heart, kidney, pancreas, or other inflammatory or long term disease processes. The weight loss is an added benefit and yes, it makes us feel good mentally, but get your head & body straight and your mind will follow!

    ((Stepping off my soap box now))

  2. 22qcat
    22qcat says:

    Heath, that fall you had was scary, but was a blessing in a way—it caused you to need that MRI, you got your diagnosis, & proper treatment could start. There’s always something good in the bad. 😊

  3. 22qcat
    22qcat says:

    Thank goodness for Ken Berry, “Doc” Shelly, & keto/carnivore! I love hearing your success story with your MS journey, Heath. Made me teary-eyed, but it’s such a great story.

  4. HoofnIt03
    HoofnIt03 says:

    Oh shoot, I wish I knew more about it, but I am thinking there is a way to do your book, but it will be a print as we order. Then again I might have just made that up. 🤣

  5. HoofnIt03
    HoofnIt03 says:

    I love that you took a trip down memory lane. While it's reminder for me, it will be new for someone else. Shelly, I am glad you made Heath do this! 😁
    I am excited for the interview with your coach. I am a horrible tracker, but 90% fat would freak a lot of people out. How did you all decide on that?

    We still need to try the latest spices and sauce. We haven't forgotten…just flip flopping schedules and we want to try it together…although I almost tried it myself this morning while he is gone. Hee hee!

  6. 50 Shades of Gravy
    50 Shades of Gravy says:

    Still early on in your video…but…YASssSSsSSss!! Keto, carnivore, ketovore…they are a lifestyle! NOT a quick fix! Just like the HungryHeath channel…it is a loyal steadfast method or way of life!

    If you want trends, challenges, quick (but not maintainable) weight loss….this is not your channel!

    If you want a steady, reliable, no fad based, tried and true, real deal, maintainable way of life…stick around and you won’t regret it!


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