Moving a homestead pantry is NO simple task!

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AcreHomestead #bulkfoodstorage #prepperpantry Heavy duty shelves – Extra Large Water Bottle …

35 replies
  1. Fullheart5
    Fullheart5 says:

    Hope you really appreciate your sister in law…………….I have two daughter in laws who are really good at watching. Hopefully she at least gets taken to dinner.

  2. Raahat Lookmanji
    Raahat Lookmanji says:

    Hi Becky! I adore your videos! Even though I don't have a homestead – or even a garden – these videos make my day. I'm really happy for you and Josh that you guys now have your dream home 🙂

  3. Lori Lumax
    Lori Lumax says:

    just a good idea on the shelves… if you are going to stock from the back… think about putting a bungee cord across the front so you don't accidentally push some of the jars own on the concrete… or a mesh net..

  4. Diane Wright
    Diane Wright says:

    If you are going to use your wire shelve from the old house cut those shelf boxes to line the shelve when you move them to the new house. Helps keep everything stable on your shelves as a whole.

  5. Theresa Williams
    Theresa Williams says:

    Such progress! I am so proud of you and I don't even know you! Moving can be so exciting! I wanted to mention something that may help in the basement. I noticed the ceilings are nice and insulated, keeping it cool down there. We live in Indiana and moved into a house with insulation on the ceiling in the basement. My Dad said he had to seal off the fiberglass before anyone went down there. My sister and I ended up with our bedrooms down there eventually but Dad made sure the whole ceiling was covered in clear plastic and everything was swept and damp mopped to keep fiberglass remnants from getting into things. Wipe the jars down before bringing them up to the kitchen?

  6. Gabriel Thibodeau
    Gabriel Thibodeau says:

    I love your channel so much. Times have been tough all around, and watching you create your dream homestead gives me such a boost. Just pure positive real energy I very much need and appreciate. Thanks for sharing the journey with all of us (even those of us working from home in two-bedroom apartments dreaming of someday having a garden)!

  7. aligurl75
    aligurl75 says:

    Love all the progress you are making! Great idea about moving the shelves 2 foot from the wall so you can get behind them 🙂 I agree with a lot of your other viewers that you may want to line the shelves. I used the sticky back pioneer woman shelf liners. The patterns are so pretty. 🙂

  8. Keeper Of The Homestead
    Keeper Of The Homestead says:

    We moved last October and it took my husband 3 trips with the bed of his extended truck's bed full of my jarred foods plus 2 trips in my KIA SUV to get all the jars to our new homestead. The movers wouldn't touch them.

  9. Denise DeRosa
    Denise DeRosa says:

    Super Becky! Your 50 year old back will thank you for learning to lift with your leg muscles now. I watch your vids to keep me motivated in my tasks. You out pace me on completions. Rock on!

  10. L michael
    L michael says:

    I bet you could use the sliders underneath the shelves and pit them against the wall to once again maximize space. The sliders would make it so easy to pull out and restock, and then push back against the wall.

  11. Erika Cooper
    Erika Cooper says:

    Great amount of work achieved, what a great Sister in law! Read further down to use your old shelves too and I agree as they look like mesh and would be great for the fresh fruit and veg and any other produce that needs air circulation to stop mould. Wish I had a basement!! Best wishes from the UK.

  12. T Jean Vlogs
    T Jean Vlogs says:

    Becky, you can get the frames and shelves from Uline. Restore may have them, and used office supple store. I got a few sets from a hardware store, then found components and the Duck used office furniture place in Seattle.
    And tie a sharpie to the shelves on a long string. Stops you from placing it somewhere and it rolling off.

  13. kim hernandez
    kim hernandez says:

    Fill them with water for an emergency put an emergency water water water water water water water empty jars empty jars water water water water water water protect yourself

  14. Mimi the Multitasker
    Mimi the Multitasker says:

    You are so totally blessed to have so much space. So happy for you both. I hope you don't get any critters eating all of your pasta off of your new shelves. God bless you both. Love that you work so well together and of course with the other family members.


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