Mother In Law Hung The Biggest Picture Of My Husband & His EX-Wife On Their WEDDING Day & Demands…

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My mother in law adores my husband’s ex-wife. She always invites her to family gatherings and tries to get them back together.

41 replies
  1. José Pérez
    José Pérez says:

    Story 1: the only goal of this power play that the MIL and her husband's ex are playing is to get ex and husband back. And OP should be aware that her husband seems enjoying being chased by his ex. Otherwise he should have put an end to this BS. An ex is an ex for a reason, but in this case there's no an apparent important reason.

    What a disgusting husband and what an awful family OP married in.

  2. Mary Wray
    Mary Wray says:

    Your all grown adults exspecially your husband, you tell him, he can be married to you in real life, or marry his mom and also she can keep him pining for his ex or divorce and if that happens , your going to under oath, tell this sick , twisted story for the offical court record, either way the only losers in this farce of a marriage is hubbys other wifes, mommy and ex

  3. Hakon102
    Hakon102 says:

    Story 4: Run, she is not the one. 8 years? Thats a huge red flag. She is using this guy for his attention, as mental sponge and maybe also for favors & money. This is pure ahole behavior on her part. She is not wife material. The worst part, she keeps him close, while you are her friend now. Run OP, run.

  4. Tam McPhail
    Tam McPhail says:

    The Dennis story: this is bar none the most horrific wedding proposal story. To walk up to the altar before the bride shows up and go on bended knee to propose is insane. I would ask the groomsmen to pick him up, take him out and let him know in no uncertain terms that if he tries to return it would be at his peril. Honestly, I don’t know if I could forgive my friend for staying with this guy. I know he would never be invited anywhere I was.

  5. Debbie Roberts
    Debbie Roberts says:

    A family member told me that my mil had said bad things about me behind my back. Our good relationship went bad. She said she didn't know what I was talking about. I said she did. Turns out the family member (by marriage) had lied for reasons I won't go into now. Years later I discovered the truth and mil and I are on better terms now but it never completely recovered despite all my attempts to make it right.

  6. Kathy Hallock
    Kathy Hallock says:

    First story. This is a sign of what your future is. You need to rethink this marriage because your mother-in-law will never stop crossing those boundaries unless your husband puts a stop to it.

  7. Calvin Sparrow
    Calvin Sparrow says:

    1st Story: not the idiot but I would have waited until after the MIL left I would have destroyed every picture of the husband and ex and just state when asked (I don't know what happened someone must have broken in and took them)

  8. S Taylor
    S Taylor says:

    Offensive Pic: if monster in law insists on the pic staying on the wall, so be it. Take a leaf from history & get creative: make black curtains just big enough to cover the pic on the wall & hang them over it with a curtain rod. Thus the pic is exactly where MIL wants it but is covered. Celebrate, oh um mourn, the death of your ex's previous life. Then place a beautiful new pic of you & him close by that dwarfs her pic in size & beauty. Win-win… Out with his old life, in with his new life. Stick it MIL!!

  9. Cheryl McCue
    Cheryl McCue says:

    Proposal story, NTA, but your relatives and Dennis who thought it would be a great idea are definitely AH's. Tell your relatives to get mental help because they are crazy if they think this is ok. Who in their right mind thinks yeah this would be great to propose at my friends wedding? Don't waste another moment on wondering if you were wrong, you weren't. Tell the others to kick rocks!!

  10. Beve Smith
    Beve Smith says:

    Story 2 – OP's boyfriend should run fast and run far. Too bad he got OP pregnant already for that is a tie-down for him. OP is showing signs of being a drama-stirring b*tch queen.

  11. Barbara Underwood
    Barbara Underwood says:

    My besties sons new wife asked her to take a wedding picture down of her daughters because it had his ex wife n it. To propose during a wedding ceremony just before the bride walked down the aisle & he was already told no he can’t do it, needs to kicked out

  12. Laurie Harper
    Laurie Harper says:

    1sr story. Of course MIL and husband are wrong. I have to ask, though, who puts pictures of themselves all over the walls of the living room of their home? It smacks of showing off and narcissism. Pictures of the kids/family members? Sure. Pictures of yourself in more private rooms where only you see them? Absolutely. But all the "Me. Me. Look at me" stuff is a bit cringe-making.

  13. Sandy O
    Sandy O says:

    Go get a picture of father-in-law’s first love and post it in your house. Find some old prom pictures. Put it right next to the one she put up.
    Also put up your first love pictures too.
    It will all come down real quick.

  14. LDannu
    LDannu says:

    Op , you and your gf, aren't going far with this relationship ,because she is encouraging his behavior ,and not stopping it! She loves the attention or there's something more sinister here!

  15. LDannu
    LDannu says:

    Why is it that every time someone don't want to go along with all the things someone wants to do ,then you are somehow phobic ??? Is this something typical ,that lgtbq people do ? Because I've heard and read about similar things a lot ! I'm not trying to generalize this ,but it is baffling !!

  16. LDannu
    LDannu says:

    This what the mil wanted!! She wanted the reaction ,so she could do harm to your relationship ! See how she succeeded !! You just stepped in her trap !! Sadly you went along with her ! Let's see what happens next !! She will not stop !!!

  17. Rayzod
    Rayzod says:

    ask fil´s parents if still around for pictures of him and his highschoolsweethard, make a copy, and then superglue that pic to a wall in mil´s house, for aditional purposes also put one in her car and generaly everywhere she looks, she can´t erase her husbands past

  18. diane cheney
    diane cheney says:

    The bottom line is that Mark was not happy with the proposal. Dennis probably proposed in that way, because he thought it would be harder for Mark to reject him. You didn’t tell the groomsman to take him out. You didn’t even know he was going to do this, because he asked and was told no. So there’s no way you could have planned to have him removed. He’s just angry because Mark didn’t scream yes oh my god. There are some problems there that aren’t yours. As my Grandmother would say, don’t borrow trouble from anyone else

  19. CherokeeIrishman
    CherokeeIrishman says:

    You’ve gotta talk to your friend about it. And you have got to make a huge public announcement telling them that you already told a straight couple they could not get engaged at your wedding, therefore any phobia nonsense is just that BS. Just because he didn’t get his way he threw out how your phobic, oh you don’t like me because I’m gay. No I don’t like you because you’re a jerk. I don’t care who you sleep with, if you’re a bad person I don’t wanna be around you and I don’t have to like you just because you’re gay!

  20. CherokeeIrishman
    CherokeeIrishman says:

    Prioritizing them over you and the baby??? Are you completely nuts? He’s going to a wedding for his friend. He’s not going around the world for a month. You don’t have to go, but you do not own him. It seems like you might be the type to call him in the middle of the wedding and claim there’s something wrong with the baby just so he would leave. I know pregnancy can make you kind of nuts, but you’ve taken a long WalkAway from sanity

    You don’t have to go to the wedding. In fact I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t


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