Moist Banana Bread Recipe | Sweet Bread

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Learn how to make easy, moist Banana bread. This sweet bread is loaded with ripe bananas, tangy, sweet raisins and toasted …

47 replies
    YAM CRUZ says:

    Madam Natasha, I made this recipe and it tasted so good. The best among the many recipes I tried cooking banana bread. Thank you for sharing your recipes here in You Tube and to the public. May God bless you more for not being selfish of your secret recipes.

  2. Molly Buttons
    Molly Buttons says:

    Hi Natasha. I have used a tried and true banana bread recipie for years and everyone loves it…but I really enjoy trying other recipies. I made this and it is perfection. I did not add the raisins, but did toast my walnuts 1st. My home made vanilla smelled amazing in this bread. Thank you and keep up the great tutorials!!!

  3. Jean Depuno
    Jean Depuno says:

    hello mam, am an avid fan of yours..I just want to clarify this recipe, I just heard to add baking soda, no baking powder to incorporate mam? if you reply I'll be glad and grateful, thanks.

  4. Appy
    Appy says:

    Girl! Thank you so much!! I’ve been trying to make a perfect banana bread from a really long time either it gets burn or something weird happens to it but you come to the rescue. It came out to be so delicious and perfectly baked can’t tell you. 🥹❤️

  5. Kelly Szymanski
    Kelly Szymanski says:

    Absolutely delicious! I made it with toasted walnuts and raisins, which I have never added before. It was moist and my husband says it is the best banana nut bread that I have ever made. Yummmm.

  6. bombeycat
    bombeycat says:

    Perfect. My first time banana bread and it came out absolutely perfect. We ate the whole thing in 5 minutes😅 Thank you a lot. This dessert is not familiar to my country so when my parents tried it they were amazed))

  7. edward wong hau pepelu tivrusky IV
    edward wong hau pepelu tivrusky IV says:

    1. crema 1/2 copa de mantequilla sin sal (suave) y 3/4 copa de azúcar con la batidora en med-high
    2. en otra bowl, aplasta 3 bananas con un tenedor
    3. agrega los bananas y 2 huevos a la mezcla y combina
    4. en otra bowl, mezcla 1 1/2 copa de harina, tsp de baking soda, y 1/2 tsp de sal (menos si estás usando mantequilla con sal)
    5. agrégalo a la mezcla y combina
    6. agrega 1/2 tsp de vainilla
    7. agrega tu nuez, usando una espátula, dobla hasta que se mezcle
    8. engrasa el molde con mantequilla y enharina
    9. pon la mezcla en el molde preparado
    10. hornea en un horno precalentado a 350 F para 55-60 minutos o hasta que un palillo insertado en el centro del pan salga limpio


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