Mm mmm MMMm i LOVE raw egg !!!! | Hotel Hell

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we must protecc mr raw egg at all costs Season 1, Episode 6 Gordon Ramsay travels in the USA, aiming to fix hopeless hotels, …

36 replies
  1. @insynthesiswithinfiniteis2318
    @insynthesiswithinfiniteis2318 says:

    Ugh, gross, I can smell this video. How anyone could ever think that it is acceptable for their dogs to share a public building like a bed and breakfast is absolutely beyond me? So selfish and disgusting, I would be furious and demand an immediate refund, plus expenses upon arrival. What is wrong with people?

  2. @aparupasinha4151
    @aparupasinha4151 says:

    all of these episodes are about a violent (physically and emotionally), controlling manchild who needs to be gentle-parented by his wife, daughter and gordon just so he can accept gordon's huge help (that's not tough) and pretend to be nice to his wife for the camera for 5 minutes (which must be terribly difficult) and that's that. gordon's work is done. business is saved. staff is fine. but the wife has to put up with these manbabies for probably the rest of her life. they only listen to gordon at the end cus he's got the resources to fix their business and he's a man. he says the same things their wives have been saying in a much better way for years. what a joke of a man. both the johns actually. violent and abusive and just gross

  3. @aparupasinha4151
    @aparupasinha4151 says:

    im so scared of how the first owner (john) must have been treating his wife. if he got so mad at gordon so quickly and threatened to punch him infornt of a camera and then went on to smugly proudly talk about how quickly he gets physically violent and has hurt people, i can only imagine what he must have done (or still does) to his wife whom he treats like a servant already and im only 8 minutes in

  4. @eastofeden_
    @eastofeden_ says:

    The way he admits to being violent in the past has me so concerned for his wife and kids. Bought HIS childhood school, laughs at his wifes tears, dresses up and dances around doing no work, and openly threatens hitting and stabbing gordon. I can't imagine the things he's threatened to do and has done to his wife and kids, he should be in jail not prancing around pretending to be Sherlock.

  5. @kevinkerwin4118
    @kevinkerwin4118 says:

    You might want to tone down the weird Internet zoomer hybrid beast making these stupid titles that mean nothing. Gordon needs viewership to sustain his life force and he'll fuck you up if you get lower ratings than this. He'll eat you. He'll saute you with exquisite spices and herbs and he'll fucking eat you.


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