Mind Blowing Glue Painting Technique!

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I’ve always had an unhealthy obsession with glue. Even in kindergarten I was using glue in ways that is was not meant to be used …

46 replies
  1. Kal El
    Kal El says:

    That was pretty cool technique…takes a tad bit longer than dish soap method but gives basically same effect…WTG gr8 job and love the ❤ paw print n dog pic!!! Keep the videos & tips coming!!! Til next tyme…keep those cre8ive juices abrewing!!!

  2. Crafty Fox Studios
    Crafty Fox Studios says:

    I wonder if it would work the same using clear glue (which is all I have at the moment). I don't see why it wouldn't work, but maybe there is a different consistency between Elmer's white glue and Elmer's clear glue? Hmmmmm……..

  3. Kristie Snyder
    Kristie Snyder says:

    Amazing!!! I love how much crisper the lines are than with Dawn 😱 each would have their perfect place in the toombler world! Now I want to make a textured cup with good ole Elmers!

  4. Lisa Rodríguez
    Lisa Rodríguez says:

    Looks beautiful! And when it was all black was definitely fun. I think the glue might have taken took off the patterns you air brushed on with the alcohol inks because you didn’t seal it first though.


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