MEAT in Your COMPOST!? | Learn to compost anything!!

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Many compost tutorials will tell you not to add meat, blood, and other animal parts to your compost pile for fear of attracting wildlife or unwanted pests. However …

45 replies
  1. Cynthia Fed
    Cynthia Fed says:

    Great educational video. Thank you for sharing this information!
    1) What wood are your shavings? 2) How do you compost human waste? 3) What food items do you feed the chickens instead of putting them in the compost pile?
    Thank you in advance for answering!

  2. Independent Thinker
    Independent Thinker says:

    Question please. I just got 9 cubic yds of mushroom compost. I covered it with a tarp. We get a lot of rain here in Ontario in October then, in November extreme cold and snow. Is it alright to cover it ?

  3. Hair2fab
    Hair2fab says:

    Love this! Great info for anyone! Our pigs get the offal, minus the feathers, we boil it all together at the end, ice it and serve. Its their favorite day of the year!

  4. homestead barber
    homestead barber says:

    Really great video Josh. Perfect example of composting, thank you for taking the time to show people before and result of one year later. Hope you're all having a beautiful fall and good luck on your hunting season to add to the pile! 🍁🍂🐔

  5. Joanne Raymond
    Joanne Raymond says:

    The reason you should never put meat, it is because of the bacteria, and diseases that can potentially affect your life. exemple: mad cow disease, bird flu H1N1, coronavirus of all kinds, that stay behind and thrives and stay alive in a perfect environment. It will contaminate your garden and when you ingest it you become a host and the life cycle is now inside of you. The fly larvae that eat the flesh of the meat spread all kind of disease 🦠, you can add eggs shell but not the inside. Anyways not my garden good luck.

  6. Spgal
    Spgal says:

    I'm SO sorry to ask this question on this video but I can't find a video or answer anywhere so if anyone could answer, it would be greatly appreciated. I have 5 gallon food safety buckets with gamma lids and oxygen absorbers and was wondering if bags of rice and boxes of pasta can be stored together and in their original containers. Yes, I'm very green and new to this. 😳😉 I would like to do this without mylar bags. Thanks so much! And BTW… love the Homesteading Family and videos! 💗💗

  7. Cee Park
    Cee Park says:

    Your finished pile of compost looks so rich, your garden beds are going to love it. I've buried whole carcasses of dead animals like chickens or rabbits in the middle of the pile. All we find after several months are the bones.

  8. Ruth Barrett
    Ruth Barrett says:

    Great video! Josh, it made me a little sad to see all those lovely gizzards. They aren’t hard to process and make the best winter soups with celery, onion and spices. Cook(after cleaning) in pressure cooker with broth. Add in rice and some greens. Yum. Just a thought.

  9. Lorna Penn-Chester
    Lorna Penn-Chester says:

    I always love your videos. Thank you ❤️
    I don’t know about the majority of opinions but I would prefer not to have the music in between your speaking since I have to mess with the volume every time. I prefer the natural sounds of the farmyard 🙂
    In any case. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience 👏

  10. A Colley
    A Colley says:

    Question: Can this be done on a smaller scale in a bucket?
    I wish all men were more like you and all women were more like your wife. I'm not praising you per se, but the God of creation that I see working through you. May the love of Jesus abide in you.

  11. Jennifer Druery
    Jennifer Druery says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge about composting! I feel like Between my chickens, kitchen scraps and a pitchfork, I can go forth and create great compost for my garden! God bless!

  12. Briana Dixon
    Briana Dixon says:

    I always heard don't put animal products into the compost, but then I started researching additives for soil and one was bone meal. My question from then on was why can't I throw my old bones into my compost and avoid having to buy ANOTHER thing.
    I started doing it ANYWAYS. Now I know I'm not wrong.

  13. hopechannelcat
    hopechannelcat says:

    well, i sure liked the way you did the compost pile with the sawdust/wood shaving and using the tractor to mix it. what broke my heart was to see 25lbs or more of gizzards in the scrap bucket. i see this a lot with off grid farmer and can't figure out why. i guess each to his own. by the way gizzards are very delicious/nutritious and easy to fix.

  14. Sarah Woodruff
    Sarah Woodruff says:

    Question: How does the day to day collection of green material work in the house? Do you have a five gallon bucket or something that everybody knows to throw scraps in? Do you save the bones from meals and bone broth to add on the compost pile?


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