Meat Biz Blames Joaquin Phoenix For All Their Problems! Anti Vegan Nonsense!

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After his now infamous animal rights speech at the Oscars, Joaquin Phoenix has angered the meat industry. They can’t believe he would say such mean and …

47 replies
  1. Ida
    Ida says:

    Great video! People in the meat industry need to feel for someone other than themselves for once. The whole world makes a lot more sense when a person stops saying โ€œme, me… what about me?โ€ And start saying โ€œwhat about them?โ€ A lot of anxiety falls away when you focus on the wellbeing of others, you actually forget yourself for once and then realize that youโ€™re going to be just fine. I come from a background of poverty- not privileged in any way. Being flexible and changing with the world is the best way to insure your own survival.

  2. David Mcgregor
    David Mcgregor says:

    Great video Ryan and I don't have sympathy for the farmers because in the modern times we live in they could become plant based farmers instead of supporting a outdated & cruel industry. The animal products industries exploit animals, human health and are doing the majority of the damage to the planet.

  3. Veganimal
    Veganimal says:

    You can grow way more plant food on a piece of land than animals for food and you can do it sustainably. It just makes so much more sense, besides being the moral choice.

  4. John Plum
    John Plum says:

    Now here is some more info that should help you stay on your vegan lifestyle – You need to read the books that were taken out of the Bible & those that never made it into the Bible such as the book of Jasher which was found long after the Bible was put together because in it, it says that Cain is the 1st one who is mentioned as an eater of the flesh of animals, Yes, it says that Abel offered up the best to God which was the fat from his sheep which was only the milk from them, not their flesh & Cain offered up the vegetables from his garden but it wasn't the best it was what was rotting to God & that is why God disapproved of Cains offering. Then it said that one day Abel's sheep came & trampled Cain's vegetable garden & Cain in anger told Abel he needed to replace his garden because it was his sheep that did it but Abel just said when you replace the flesh of the sheep you have eaten & the wool you are wearing then I will do it, but because Cain knew he couldn't do it he rose up in anger picked up a rock & killed Abel with it. God told me the sheep trampled the garden to get revenge on Cain for eating them! Abel wasn't eating them, he only was wearing the wool he took from them! So that is why all big eaters of flesh in the Bible are violent people & that lines up with the words of wisdom from King Solomon who wrote Proverbs 15:17 Better a dish of vegetables where there is love than a fattened ox with hatred – Yes, in my religious studies I found out the ideal food for a Buddhist monk is not to be eating any animal because you are causing pain to that being in order to eat it, but there have been different off-springs of the Buddhist religion that if you don't have the will power to not eat meat you can if the monk was aware that the animal was not killed on their behalf, because supposedly the Buddha said: … But, you should not knowingly make use of meat killed on purpose for you." which I find a little bit crazy, en-other words if you were going to visit someone who had plans to kill an animal for food that day then you may eat it, but if you find out that they never had any intention of killing an animal for food that day but did it just for you because you were coming over to visit, then you can't eat it, really how stupid is that which is worst, as the Dalai Lama eats only Fruit & vegetables when he's not travelling about but eats whatever is place in front of him when he is! & there was another school of teaching that if you are going to eat it then do so like other animals do, yes, these monks ate their meat raw, with no cooking & some even eat the blood with it & the Buddhist monk who this book & story focused on said when he visited this monastery it was like when they were talking to him, he got the feeling it was more like they were growling at him as if they knew he didn't eat meat & it was their way of disapproving of it! Much like a lot of big meat eaters do with whose who are vegans when they meet them because they too get some of the animal's blood into their life which God said contains the soul of the animal! Plus In Bible times they didn't have refrigeration to keep it fresh they put it in salt to stop it from rotting & this salt also acted like a magnet by drawling out the rest of the blood. Yes, the Eating of blood is forbidden – Leviticus 17:11-14 If anyone from the house of Israel or a foreigner living among them eats any blood, I will set My face against that person & cut him off from among his people. For the life of the flesh is in the blood, & I have given it to you to make atonement for your souls upon the altar; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul. Therefore I say to the Israelites, โ€˜None of you may eat blood, nor may any foreigner living among you eat blood.โ€™ & if any Israelite or foreigner living among them hunts down a wild animal or bird that may be eaten, he must drain its blood & cover it with dirt. For the life of all flesh is its blood. Therefore I have told the Israelites, โ€˜You must not eat the blood of any living thing, because the life of all flesh is its blood; whoever eats it must be cut off.โ€™ – Even Paul in the New Testament wrote to the new churches forming at the time that they were to abstain from things polluted by idols, from fornication, from whatever animal had been strangled because these animals died with the blood still in the animal & from blood also. Acts of the Apostles 15:19โ€“20 – So why do you think in Ireland the Irish Protestant & Catholics have been killing each other, as they both believe in Jesus & know that murders will go to hell yet they do it anyway, well in Ireland the Irish are known for their Black pudding which is a type of sausage, made from pork blood & fat or beef suet & a cereal, usually oatmeal, oat or barley groats & pork is another meat God told the Israelites was not good for them as well & considered it as unclean, so God doesn't see them as his people or followers when they aren't following his will even though they say they are! There are many places around the world where they eat the blood of the animals after they slaughter them & it is added to sausages, pancakes, soups, stews & sauces, or blood is also eaten as a solid ingredient, either by allowing it to congeal before use or by cooking it to accelerate the process. Blood curd that consists of cooled & hardened animal blood is a dish typically found in Asian countries, where it is known as blood tofu. In the USSR & ex-USSR countries they produce sweet nutrition bars containing cattle blood, known under the generic name Hematogen; originally they were created for treating anemia, but nowadays they are sold like regular sweets. In some places, people drink the blood as soon as the animal is slaughtered believing that it is a healthy thing to do & in some places the animal isn't killed but they drink the blood from a live animal! God doesn't see these people as His people until they repent of their sinful way, they are more like a vampire in God's eyes! – Plus I found out that a person did a study on just all Christian religions because he wanted to see if God was showing any partiality towards the different Christian religions & what he ended up finding out was that the Seventh-day Adventists live about 10 years longer 89-yrs than the average American life expectancy of about 79-yrs then others who put their faith in God! What I found in my study of the different Churches I attended as they were the only ones who encouraged their followers to eat a plant-based diet or a vegetarian diet no other Church does this, so yes God shows partiality towards those who do his will! – Luke 2:13-14 suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God saying, โ€œGlory to God in the highest & on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.โ€ – Yes, you please God when you are doing his will & vegans are doing God's will whether they know it or not!

  5. Pauline Follett
    Pauline Follett says:

    Joaquin only spoke the truth, so I applaud him for that. The meat and dairy industries pulled out the victim card to gain sympathy, and would do anything to preserve their inhumane practices. They are so desperate that they even lie to keep people on the dark side (sorry for the Star Wars reference).

  6. My Mick
    My Mick says:

    How ridiculous, the meat n dairy industry has to come to their senses. People are finally finding out the truth. Humans donโ€™t need animal flesh to live.

  7. Karen Waldmann
    Karen Waldmann says:

    Plus Joaquin was calling out all of humanity, not farmers. He knows the responsibility lies with the consumer . One more thing: My dogs are happily bouncy little vegans now, and my cats are 3/4 of the way there.

  8. Karen Waldmann
    Karen Waldmann says:

    Hey Ryan, I have been wondering where I can find details about how before North America was invaded, how they say the buffalo were so numerous the land was covered by them. Were their farts and burps like cows' farts and burps? Thanks

  9. Karen Waldmann
    Karen Waldmann says:

    Hey Ryan! You know what, these dairy farmers biggest so called enemy are the conglomerates that buy the milk from them, and buy meat from meat producers. These giant corporations have seen the writing on the wall AND have discovered that they are going to be making SOOOOO much more bank switching consumers to plant based products and eradicating animal production. It is already happening.

  10. Patricia McDonald
    Patricia McDonald says:

    A nice logical and factual response Ryan. Naturally, the farmers are worried about losing their businesses, and many are likely to be in debt to those dairy and meat industries. The incredibly helpful initiatives that help farmers transition to plant farming will surely increase, as this change to their land use becomes urgent, and hopefully mandatory. Excellent topic.

  11. Kristopher Skeggs
    Kristopher Skeggs says:

    Imagine if instead of repeated emergency money handouts to sustain the Australian cotton and animal farms through droughts they were subsidised to transition to solar farms or plant crops…

    Farming can largely continue as a profession/industry.

  12. Preena
    Preena says:

    Wow! The meat industry has no regard for animal life or the truth…British Universities I hear are going to be banning beef from their menus ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

  13. Vitamin B
    Vitamin B says:

    OK, so let's keep kidnapping african people and sell them into slavery, because we got families to feed. How dare anyone threaten and victimize our slave trade!

  14. Mittakali
    Mittakali says:

    Is it primarily the farmers who are the problem? I say no. There wouldn't be a life threatening meat and dairy industry if consumers would stop buying/eating animal products! Thankfully, there are some farmers who have a conscience and find another way for their land. But the only way to end the mass animal farming and slaughter is for us people to stop consuming. The power of the wallet. The biggest problem is getting people to wake up. It boggles my mind how pervasively ignorant people are about the health effects and horror of the mass animal farming industry.

  15. krjohnson29
    krjohnson29 says:

    As a 7 year vegan, I couldn't be more proud of Joaquin Phoenix. As far as I can tell he has conducted himself with absolute dignity and aplomb, while at the same time saying exactly what needs to be said. He hasn't attacked individuals, he has attacked (with ruthless efficiency) bad ideas that need to be relegated to the dustbin of history.

    If I were in his position, I know I would not be able to speak as bravely as he has.


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