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16 replies
  1. Jackie Wale
    Jackie Wale says:

    Do what ever makes you happy , if you no longer love doing something don’t do it . Maybe you should just do the yoga you love as a participant. I broke my femur badly 5 weeks ago and it’s a long recovery, I’m still on my crutches and can’t bend or walk far as yet , I’m having physio every week and doing it at home . I can’t go back to work now until after Christmas (hopefully) I’m a nurse . This accident has opened my eyes to so many things , I’ve always had empathy for people but I really feel for them now in a greater way . I know I’m going to recover but there are so many people that have to live like this and much worse .
    Got that out of my system lol . I use that shampoo and conditioner I love it , I also use the serum. My hair is fine . I can’t wait to be able to have my hair coloured again . Xxxx

  2. MumOfSix
    MumOfSix says:

    Hi Jane, all the meals look delicious, especially the lasagna. The fish pie ready meals are a great price!! The cheesy beef burgers look good. I love the centre of the choc hazelnut donuts – soooooooo yummy 😋. Nice haul!xx

  3. Geeves Cookie
    Geeves Cookie says:

    Hi Janey. You have inspired me to do yoga. I've been doing it a few months now after watching your introduction and it has helped a problem I had with my lower back. The Cat and Cow and downward Dog have strengthened it. I do those every day without fail. I would say keep teaching. if I lived nearer I would love to attend your classes.
    Thanks as ever for sharing your meals and shopping. Take care. love Gee. x

  4. Ruth Y
    Ruth Y says:

    Go with your gut instinct Janey about the yoga dilemma
    About the hair dye, anything below 7 seams to be to dark for me also, although it will fade after a few washes
    Love the chat while your serving up 💕💕💕

  5. Tracy Jane
    Tracy Jane says:

    Hi Jane, I must admit watching your videos that I don’t know how you aren’t the size of a house 😅 my son is tricky with his dinners and often doesn’t like what I’m having which is a pain, although I must admit he is brilliant at eating all veggies 💕

  6. Cafe Najat UK
    Cafe Najat UK says:

    Stick to teaching yoga, you are in a new zone of leading a team into your way of yoga. No harm in trying and offering new techniques, just embrace leadership & not being a follower – good luck xxx

  7. Geordie Grandma
    Geordie Grandma says:

    I haven’t been to Lidl in months, I really need to go now lol. I always find tea time difficult as I don’t eat meat and hubby does… it makes cooking difficult! Looking forward to your autumn decor video 😃 x

  8. Tina Haydon
    Tina Haydon says:

    I have a similar dilemma going on at the moment. I've always had a passion for photography, and have been a member of my local camera for the last ten years. It's just a hobby, so I don't make any income from it apart from selling the odd photo here and there. They refer to me as the star of the club as I usually do really well in competition, which obviously reflects well on the club too. I've done well in external competitions and photographic salons, and I also submitted a piece of work that was selected to be part of an exhibition in London and The Photography Show in the NEC. So I feel I've got a lot to live up to. However, I'm really not feeling it at the moment, and haven't been for a long time. Lockdowns didn't help! I'm barely using my camera at the moment so have no new images to offer. On the odd occasion when I have used it I've been unable to "see" a photo and have little inclination to spend time editing. I've also spent considerable money on a new camera, lenses and various accessories as I upgraded all my equipment, so I feel I should be making an effort to use them. But I'm in a real slump and can't seem to claw my way out. Consequently I feel that I'm not just letting myself down, but my camera club friends and my husband too. My hubby has always supported my hobby and is proud of my achievements, and he has often basked in my glory as a lot of the photos I've done well with have been of him 😄
    But I've come to a decision that I'm no longer going to put myself under pressure to perform. I'm going to take a break from camera club and spend some time trying to fall back in love with photography. I need to start taking photos for my own pleasure again, rather than thinking of them as potential competition winners. So my advice to you would be don't feel bad if you decide to take a break from teaching yoga. You can always come back to it at a later date or you can look to teach the type of yoga you really enjoy. If you're no longer enjoying it so much then maybe it's time for a change. You'll probably feel guilty about coming to that decision, I certainly do, but you'll end up feeling burnt out if you just try to keep going. I've struggled with my decision to take a step back, but I think it's the right thing to do at this moment in time. I'm hoping I'll be able to get back to where I was after a break from things xx 🙏🏻 💕


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