Meals for Gastritis, GERD, Acid Reflux | What I eat in a day

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FREE GUIDE – Reset Your Stomach Lining What I eat in a day with stomach/ gut …

25 replies
  1. @rodrigobalibalita12
    @rodrigobalibalita12 says:

    If you are suffering from too much acid in the stomach or acid reflux, start eating red apples. Red apples are alkaline in nature and they can neutralize acidity and get rid of acid reflux. I suffered from acid reflux years ago caused by drinking too much fruit juice in bottles, such as oranges, grapes, etc. A friend recommended red apples and the treatment really worked within a couple of days. The problem never came back.

  2. @nkdounia3034
    @nkdounia3034 says:

    Great video, but I was wondering, doesn't cauliflower also causes some indigestion, I'm currently experiencing the acid reflux + indigestion and cauliflower is among the vegetables that causes it


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