Meal Prep Saturday LIVE!

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13 replies
  1. baseballnan55
    baseballnan55 says:

    I make 60-90 eggbites in a session in the instant pot for my daughter (a traveling RN) who eats them daily for breakfast. I use whole eggs, cottage cheese, goat cheese, shredded cheddar, and bacon. Mix the eggs and soft cheese and cottage in the blender first. Pour into a large measuring cup and then easy to pour into the molds. Cook on low pressure x10 minutes, natural release x 5 minutes. Easy release from the molds. When done, I cool them a bit and then put them on a cookie sheet in the freezer. Freeze overnight and move into a large freezer bag. My daughter loves them! The amount I make usually lasts 2-3 months until she returns home for a refill! The eggbites are so easy to make!

  2. Kim Jarvis
    Kim Jarvis says:

    So why is the dog in the crate now, and barking to get out. I really feel sorry for the dog being stuck in the crate all the time. ( Thank you for letting her out)


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