MEAL PREP FOR A MONTH IN 2 HOURS + RECIPES 2024! mac&cheese, lamb curry & MORE!!

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meal prep with me friends! I hope you get some family meal inspiration from this. I’ve shared some easy simple recipes, lots of …

42 replies
  1. @acutee2
    @acutee2 says:

    Assalamu alaikum sister, I've never seen your channel before it just randomly popped in my feed. I wanted to let you know that Aldi and Tesco chicken generally are not halal. It sounds like you live in Britain, where there are many halal butchers, not only is it part of our deen, it's tastier, freshier, and you'd be supporting the ummah instead of a corporation. Thanks for the recipes sister <3

  2. @Dingalingafication
    @Dingalingafication says:

    Would love to see some of these recipes in the description box! Like spice quantities mainly. I know you go a bit rogue with it and just chuck it in but approximations would be handy! Please 😊 the food looks delicious.

  3. @halimabegum8199
    @halimabegum8199 says:

    Got excited. 😢 May Allah bless everyones marriages. Hope your ok sis @zeinur. i have always loved your vids. Your daughter shares the same birthday as my son. He was born thr same year. ❤️💓

  4. @lavidaloca8996
    @lavidaloca8996 says:

    So looking forward to your cooking content. Missed you Sweety. " Verily do hearts rest with Allah" sure you already know Habibthi, but just a reminder that benefits the believers. Be well xx


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