Meal Planning, Organising and Getting Back on Track. Clean with me. Slow relaxing weekly vlog.

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What I ate this week, plus getting back on track with meal planning and organising. Thank you all for the lovely messages you’ve left me about my Dad. Sorry …

18 replies
  1. Maggy Trafford
    Maggy Trafford says:

    Hello Claire I am soso sorry for your loss sending you lots of hugs and hope you and your family are okay. Loosing a parent is one of the worst things that could happen. I lost my Mum and Dad when they were both 64 years old and I still think about them 28 years later. My 2 Dogs always leave hair everywhere to Claire so I hear what you are saying. Take care Claire and take things easy🇦🇺🇦🇺🦘❤️💐💖

  2. Lyn Noorman
    Lyn Noorman says:

    Hi Claire I, too, find comfort in cleaning and tidying my home. I have to say that your kitchen looks very streamlined and tidy to me with 4 adults in house – impressed. Sorry to hear of your loss. Slow and steady seems a very sensible way to cope. Am really enjoying your videos.

  3. Debbra Franciis
    Debbra Franciis says:

    I have two griffons, one a smooth coat, one a long coat, and the amount of hair they shed is unbelievable. I have polished wood floors in some areas, and I can vacuum a room and an hour later there is dog hair, which seems to gravitate to the edges of the room and form huge dust bison (cos dust bunnies are for wimps). I swear that the carpet in the living room actually changes colour because of the dog hair. Have completely given up any hope of leaving the house in clothes that are free of dog hair . . .

  4. Lou Lou
    Lou Lou says:

    Grieving a parent is extremely painful and no day is the same. I lost my dad during the height of the pandemic in 2020 and I am still grieving. There are no rules to grieving so just go with it, don't be hard on yourself or have high expectations about where you should be in your grieving journey, Self-care is essential and you may find that doing videos will also help distract you temporarily. Only surround yourself with kind people and take as long as it takes to complete your journey. You do end up crying less and then you feel guilty for not crying !!! It is so complicated but you will get there in your own time. Thanks so much for putting out a video xx

  5. Sj Chan
    Sj Chan says:

    Bless, hope your ok. Cleaning and tidying can help with grief, but the process takes time, be gentle with yourself. Yr kitchen looks fab, none of us are perfect. As long as you do it to the best of your ability thats all thats matters.

  6. Kerry Neylan
    Kerry Neylan says:

    The kitchen looks lovely. Grief is very complicated but being able to compartmentalise and take back control in some areas can be helpful.

    I've always being covered in dog hair and when I used to meet dogs they would always sniff around my legs. But I haven't had a dog for a couple of years and they still do that. It's like they have a race memory of my previous dogs in my new jeans.

  7. Michael
    Michael says:

    Omg dog hairs everywhere I had to hoover our bed everyday lol and I didn't mind them licking the dirty plates in the dishwasher because the dishwasher disinfects the plates.

  8. Kim Rich
    Kim Rich says:

    I have 2 long haired chihuahuas, and omg…..the hair!!! 😵‍💫 My sisters use to refer to me as ‘Miss Whitegloves’, but if they were to see my house now, I’m sure they would change their minds! My Dad passsed away in 2001, and my Mum in 2008….I still have days where I am overwhelmed with their loss. Grief is a funny thing. My Gran passed away when I was 6 weeks old… Mum missed her so much, her entire life. I couldn’t understand it then. I do now.


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