Meal Planning in 10 MINUTES! List Made, SHOPPING DONE!

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Sign up the 7 DAY FREE TRIAL of our Meal Planning App Here: Have you ever spent all night planning for meals …

31 replies
  1. Sharlene Smith
    Sharlene Smith says:

    Love watching you guys… tried the app, tried Walmart delivery & neither works for me. I shop at WALMART, but not for groceries… “deliveries (shipped & otherwise) usually end up costing me more time to resolve then if I’d gone there in person & picked up! That aside. We are now elderly & I make 2-3 different dishes…. We alternate them until they are gone. (Fortunately, I’m a good cook, excellent in my husband’s opinion! ) I spend a day cooking… slow cooker, IP & stove/oven. Then we have heat & serve meals for 2-3 weeks. Hubby gets food he likes daily without his wife spending unnecessary time in the kitchen & I get more free time for crafting & sewing!

  2. Little House Happy Home
    Little House Happy Home says:

    My husband and I do our meal planning together. We take time out of our busy schedule to sit down and plan out what we want to prepare for the entire month and what ingredients we need. It’s a nice thing to do together. It really is important to put down the devices and talk with your spouse one on one, even if it is just to plan a weekly or monthly meal plan. I do appreciate the work you put into this meal planner. However, a pen and paper is much less expensive and the time spent with my husband is priceless! Good luck to you ladies on this new adventure. I’m sure you will do great! Blessings to all. ❤️🙏

  3. Maria Maerz
    Maria Maerz says:

    I usually have 4 or 5 meals in my head so usually talk with my husband on Friday night that also depends if I am going shopping with my girlfriend (aka shopping buddy), Saturday morning or on Sunday. But if there is a special occasions I buy stuff when I see it on sale and just spread out the ingredients, all of our kids are married so it's just me and my husband and our fur babies. We eat simple stuff. I resently made individual tater tots casserole in my air fryer so simple made etc and took it to a co worker. Sometimes I just wing it and make a new surprise dinner I try to remember how I made it. So if we want it again I will have it.

  4. az pug mom
    az pug mom says:

    Sounds like a good thing for some people, personally I'm a pen and paper girl. Plus I hear more negative reviews for Wal-Mart's pick up service than good…no way would I have the local Wal-Mart employees pick out my groceries.

  5. Karen Victoria
    Karen Victoria says:

    I love Walmart curbside and honestly the savings are great. I would also like to know if we can input our own recipes and would love to suggest a monthly price as well. $100 in one go is a big commitment for a app we can’t necessarily return if we change our mind down the road or circumstances change.

  6. Pattie Hicks
    Pattie Hicks says:

    I checked out your meal planning app I must say the concept is brilliant but the execution leaves a great deal to be desired. Your IT person needs to do a Quality check and fix the glitches. Your menu is clunky and could use work. I would not pay $100 dollars a year to use as is. Having said that, I do love your content and, the concept is great. If the bugs were fixed and, there was a monthly option, you would have a user for life. Most of us are on a budget these days and that can get really tight! I myself am on a fixed income, I could afford $10 dollars a month but, there is no way I can squeeze $100 dollars all in one chunk out of my budget.

  7. ola3090
    ola3090 says:

    I went to try this out for 7 days but it requires a card on file, then it bills you $100 for the whole year. No monthly option. No, thank you. Plus you lost me at “Walmart “. Among other reasons why, the quality of fruits and vegetables at that store is literally the worst.

  8. Barbara C
    Barbara C says:

    The only drawback I see is that I wouldn't necessarily want every single ingredient from every single recipe on my shopping list. I might already have some of those ingredients at home from cooking other things, and I'd rather not buy more before using what's already in my pantry or freezer. In the case of things involving fresh produce and/or meat I prefer to select those types of foods personally rather than leave it to someone else's discretion. So it wouldn't save me a shopping trip anyway. But I can see how it could be useful for homebound folks who can't get out at all.


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