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Hey guys! In today’s video I am meal planning for my family of 6 for 1 entire month! I am also sharing with you the meals I picked, …

37 replies
  1. @susanjacks8830
    @susanjacks8830 says:

    Chicken and Noodles in the crockpot. You only need 2 chicken breasts (fresh or frozen) two 15 oz cans of chicken broth, 2 cans cream of chicken soup, 1 stick butter on top. Cook on Low 6 to 7 hours. Take chicken out and shred. Put chicken back in crockpot. Add one package of Reams frozen noodles. Cook another 1.5 hours. Can serve over biscuits, mashed potatoes, rice. It is delicious and makes alot of food. It's just my hubby and I. This made 3 meals! I should have frozen some of it but it was a busy week and we needed dinner. Give it a try. Your family will love it.

  2. @HazelHammond1505
    @HazelHammond1505 says:

    when the kids were home. I did once a month groceries. there were years I did Tuesdays were mexican. so each week on tue of the month we had some kind of mexican food, tacos, one week enchilada the next week, maybe wed. is Italian, , friday is pizza. I normally on had Pizza's on fridays. it was easy after a long week of working. Sat left overs, I grew up having breakfast for dinner so I would also have that has 1 of my days of the week. biscuits and gravy.always country gravy) you can have it with or with out meat. meatless is another one. in the winter you can have soup night, I also now days there is just the two of us. I look at other months to see what we had that I tried new and to see if hubby liked it. I grew up and still make salamon patties. East coast uses crab patties. I use the canned salmon you can get it all year in the can and the price is reasonable. a easy on is Roasted veggies and add your proteins.The nice thing about grocery shopping once a month is you have everything in the house. so if you don't feel like what you wrote down for that day. you know you have every thing you need for what ever you want to make. oops sorry I went so long. I have been doing this for 50+ years

  3. @terrichinrock8866
    @terrichinrock8866 says:

    I have been meal planning for many years and have found it helpful to organize my favorite meals into categories. Currently the categories I use are: 1.Soups 2.Mexican 3.Comfort Casseroles 4.Asian 5.Pasta 6.Sandwiches and 7.Grill (hubby cooks these). By rotating through the categories each week I know the staples I need and can stock up on when they go on sale (ie pasta, stir-fry sauces, rice, frozen veggies) Also these categories allow you to be flexible with the meats that you cook with and you can base your choices on the sales. We have been eating a lot of boneless chicken and ground beef lately 🙃

  4. @amypletcher4411
    @amypletcher4411 says:

    Also, what do you do with your picky kids or husband if they don't like something? I try to plan breakfast occasionally and apparently my husband doesn't like waffles, French toast and now pancakes! Really neither do my kids. So it is cereal, sometimes eggs, sometimes sausage and most the time bacon but not turkey bacon. They make it really difficult for me to cook. We are now at the point breakfast is never for dinner and we go out for breakfast on Saturday and week days it is nothing or juice. 😢 Not this mama. I don't roll like that but my kids are teenage adults now.

  5. @ktrayan1
    @ktrayan1 says:

    I have no idea why but my dad’s family calls those no-cooking dinner nights “slaughterhouse rules”. They were from Texas! I wonder if it’s a common thing 🙂

  6. @tiajo44
    @tiajo44 says:

    Love your meal planning videos. I actually have million dollar spaghetti on my list for next week.
    I just have to share this story when I saw you ask Van if he was going to the bathroom. A friend of mine had given her three-year-old son a bath and she was drying her hair and let him run around the house naked. When she got through drying her hair and went into the living room , he had pooped on the floor. Mind you they have no carpet in the house. she said Eli did you poop on the floor? He replied no the dog did it. So when her husband came home and she told him what had happened he went in and said son did you poop on the floor today and Eli said no the dog did it. Daddy said son, that might be understandable if we had a dog! 😅


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