Matt Walsh Old Found Footage Gets Racist FAST

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21 replies
  1. somthingbrutal
    somthingbrutal says:

    the really funny bit is the Anglo-Saxon culture was multicultural as the name tells you the separate tribes of the Angles and the Saxons both ended up living on the island of Britain along side the pre existing Picts and Celts . this entire culture was later taken over when the Normans Invaded in 1066.

  2. Katie Barber
    Katie Barber says:

    they dont care. they love him for this. anyone who thinks conservatives ARENT racist is lieing
    when conservatives get outed for saying some racist nazi shit in the past they wear it like a badge of honor

  3. Duncan Bauer
    Duncan Bauer says:

    Hitler's start and that of Walsh are full of similarities. Hitlers envy of successful non-Germans, foreshadows that of Walsh. Hitlers Pathway was secure by Germany's WWI Defeat. Walsh is trying to ride that same wave of Ethnic Pride due to the Trans Agenda. What is a Woman made him a Social Personality and One Hit Wonder. If you ever watch his Podcast, you'll see he's all over the place looking for Followers. All those that saw him as a Guru on Anti-trans, part ways with him after a few of his Charlie Manson Speeches! I truly believe he will one day convert and become a Trans activist.

  4. Mirv
    Mirv says:

    Rare Shark L. You absolutely need income tax and speech censorship to maintain a healthy society. Also, the idea that Europeans always hated each other is just as mindless generalization as treating it as uniform "white" society and I think it's just a byproduct of tankie brainrot. But considering that american education is what it is, I guess we can forgive it this time.

  5. Khyber Killzone
    Khyber Killzone says:

    It is clear that you are a hurt liberal, and you look like one. Your face is not a good representation for liberal beliefs or maybe you’re just the proxy for anti-conservatism

    Now, with that said, you made mostly good points, breaking down Matt Walsh illness & stupidity. He is a fool and im glad even fools can see that as well.

    I enjoyed your video i didnt like it all the way but good to here even the commonfolk can catch on to his dummy

  6. Khyber Killzone
    Khyber Killzone says:

    It is clear that you are a hurt liberal, and you look like one. Your face is not a good representation for liberal beliefs or maybe you’re just the proxy for anti-conservatism

    Now, with that said, you made mostly good points, breaking down Matt Walsh illness & stupidity. He is a fool and im glad even fools can see that as well.

    I enjoyed your video i didnt like it all the way but good to here even the commonfolk can catch on to his dummy

  7. Khyber Killzone
    Khyber Killzone says:

    It is clear that you are a hurt liberal, and you look like one. Your face is not a good representation for liberal beliefs or maybe you’re just the proxy for anti-conservatism

    Now, with that said, you made mostly good points, breaking down Matt Walsh illness & stupidity. He is a fool and im glad even fools can see that as well.

    I enjoyed your video i didnt like it all the way but good to here even the commonfolk can catch on to his dummy

  8. Lee Sleepless
    Lee Sleepless says:

    The word for English in my language (Cymraeg) is Saesneg and it stems from Saxon. Their word for us (Welsh) stems from an old word for foreigners. Dipshit Walsh is on to something. He's just like the Saxon's: A brutish fucking idiot with no concept of anything more complex than sky = blue


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