MASSIVE Once a Month LARGE FAMILY Grocery Haul + Before/After Refrigerators Tour, too!

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Welcome back to another massive once-a-month large family grocery haul. By viewer request, I even share before and after grocery shopping refrigerators tour.

36 replies
  1. Jackie Burnett
    Jackie Burnett says:

    Anyone who has watched you in past knows that is not your normal giant grocery hall!!! It’s good you will be using your meats you have in the freezer. Tobin is precious!

  2. Kerry
    Kerry says:

    Could you perhaps add in your explanation box the names and ages of your kids? I always find that interesting, especially when they get older and how your groceries will change!

  3. Sherri Jackson
    Sherri Jackson says:

    I can't believe how put together you are. Make up on, fridge labeled…I have 3 kiddos, 34 weeks with #4. I homeschool. But there is no make up happening 🤣 a shower and deodorant is an accomplishment over here. People would have something to say no matter what you bought. People need to mind their business.

  4. SharelleLovato
    SharelleLovato says:

    I work at a Wal-Mart doing OGP, which is the online orders. Sometimes we run out of the most random things and don't have substitutions, and sometimes the substitution just doesn't even make sense to us. We have to do what our hand-held devices tell us to though. But your orders would be a dream to pick, we all love when we get orders with multiples that make our pick rates go up.

  5. Ashlyn Nelson
    Ashlyn Nelson says:

    Stink bugs🤣 if someone has a problem with them. Please don't come to where I am at. Insects are extremely low on the toddempool. I have large predators bears, mountain lions and coyotes to deal with. Raccoons and rattlesnakes kill all of my small animals

  6. BibliophileColorist
    BibliophileColorist says:

    That Rebel Ice Cream is great! I love the Butter Pecan the best. It may sound weird, but it's great with coffee! I fill my mug up with half coffee and then add in a scoop or two (depending on how much Ice Cream I'm in the mood for LoL) and it make almost a Starbuck/Dunkin' level drink! Plus, you don't need any added sweeteners or creamers. 😀 It does melt fast, but if you're quick you get a few spoons on ice cream before it becomes a latte of sorts LoL

  7. Susan Witte
    Susan Witte says:

    Lots of strawberries! I love to cut them up, sprinkle with a little sugar and let them macerate overnight. It creates a wonderful sauce and so good over ice cream, waffles, etc. Much better than raw. They last several days and don’t dry out. If I don’t eat them all, I just turn them into sorbet 😀

  8. candi mclane
    candi mclane says:

    Oh my word,look at that precious little guy! You're amazing mama! Big hugs from Missouri 🤗Happy Mothers Day🌹💐🌹! Have you tried the tik Tok spaghetti with the feta cheese and cherry tomatoes? I hear it's amazing! Going to try it soon!


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