Marriage Nightmare – The Phoenix King #7 – Bannerlord

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Hello Everyone I am back from my near year long hiatus and welcome to Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord join me in the adventures …

31 replies
  1. Baptiste Wilbaux
    Baptiste Wilbaux says:

    23:28 you should have taken the left flank of the friendly army. All the AI are right handed. They carry their shields in their left hand. So your archers basically shot the shields… should your archers be on the left flank then, they will shoot on unprotected units 😉

  2. Ben Smith
    Ben Smith says:

    The Battanians seem very generous in providing garrisons. I'm playing Aserai, and half the time they give me a garrison of three random guys so I have to go and hire my own. Cheapskates.

    Don't forget to pay attention to the elections, though – the game seems to really, really like giving fiefs to the player.

    And if the AI is being incompetent on the defence, you can always raise your own armies!


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