marriage is team work

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23 replies
  1. KISSESfromtheMRS
    KISSESfromtheMRS says:

    I’m up cooking super late but my husband and toddlers are relaxing doing their thing and well I couldn’t be happier. Late night cooking is what millennial marriages can look forward to…I told my King “Babe we can literally do whatever we want, I feel like we are in high school.” Lol it’s bc we have a lovely bond of love and friendship and isn’t midnight eating so romantic bc more than likely we go to bed happy 🙂 we also have coffee and tea at all hours of the day I love this life we are building and we’ve been together 7 years too ❤ cheers to more happy marriages where both people really have each other’s back bc why not?!❤

  2. Lucas Fernandez
    Lucas Fernandez says:

    “Why can’t he pack his own lunch?” YIKES 😬. Why can’t you people recognize that if this was an issue in their relationship then she’d bring it up ?! Like I think it’s wholesome they both do little things for each other and then appreciate the things they both do for one another. Don’t just like Stew around in a pedestal of feminism complaining that SOMETIMES people express love through historically stereotypical gender roles. AND THATS ONLY SOMETIMES, other times it’s through other mediums. Let people be happy

  3. E R F
    E R F says:

    you have to wonder how selfish the people who say that are in their everyday life. do you not do anything for the people you love, just because you love them?

  4. Mazal M
    Mazal M says:

    i think ppl are so used to that “the wife has to cook for the husband all the time” and are so appalled by that misogynistic trope of women (which is understandable im like that too lol) that i guess when a woman actually cooks and enjoys cooking for her husband, i guess it can be triggering and also feel like from their view its still a never ending cycle of misogyny that we, women, will never get out of. to be honest even right now i felt that trigger a little but Im still practicing getting out of that mindset and trying to learn that not all husbands are assholes and are actual equal partners to their wives and they understand that wives arent slaves but their best friend. its hard to retrain but i just try bot jump to conclusions or judge. But yeah maybe thats why lots dont like seeing this lol

  5. Eva Single
    Eva Single says:

    Congratulations to u n hubby u have true true love . I have made my hubby lunch everyday for 22 years. I love doing it and he loves that I care so much for him . Food is love

  6. Srn 2255
    Srn 2255 says:

    I hate how this generation views marriage and women's rights to do what THEY WANT.
    If you want to be an independent business minded woman then do it. If you want to cook dinner for you partner DO IT. If you and your partner want to do equal amount of work around the house then DO IT. I hate how now a days we get questioned for doing things for our partners. I don't really care if you think not cooking and cleaning around your house makes you feel Ike a bad bitch. I personally feel like a bad bitch after I've made a feast and made my home fresh.

  7. God Is With You.
    God Is With You. says:

    Some people haven’t yet grasped the concept of love. Love is serving. You just … do it because you love them. It doesn’t even occur to you that it’s service. You just… do. You help. 🤷🏾‍♀️


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