Mango Kulfi | Day in the life of a homemaker |summer wear collection

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Hello Everyone, Here is to what I wore in this video from Siya fashion! Magenta Color Readymade Salwar Suit: …

39 replies
  1. viveca H
    viveca H says:

    I love the outfits. Look so beautiful. I'm so amazed at how you cook in them and stay so clean. I'm so messy and mess my clothes each time. Tasty recipes. Beautiful family.

  2. Suma Umesh
    Suma Umesh says:

    Hi this is Suma …Wonderful n yummy looking platter. I must say u have super helping family. Had a query about parathas that u made a day before , do v have to refrigerate them r just keep on the counter top ? And one small suggestion for majjige that u made , try adding few garlic chunks n two red chilies, n pinch of turmeric for tadka/ hoggarane u will love that flavour . Enjoyed watching ur video a big thumbs up for everyone at family n a big hug to u stay blessed tc


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