Man Tased by Police Gets $7M Settlement

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Of course, that money comes from the tax payers.

23 replies
  1. Mark Jones
    Mark Jones says:

    I suspect the Erik Cantu judgment will eclipse this record next year. That's the San Antonio McDonald's parking lot while eating a burger, police shooting. It appears he's going to live.

  2. iknklst
    iknklst says:

    Imagine how many people throught the years who were convicted on the testimony of cops fabricating, altering, or destroying evidence when there was no such thing as video evidence, and cops knew that their word was accepted as fact in a court of law.

    They still do all of that now, WHILE BEING RECORDED. They do. not. care.

  3. A Wilson
    A Wilson says:

    In addition to the $7,000,000.00 payment, I'd ask the Court to impose a Permanent Injunction against the Ex-Officer ever being employed in Law Enforcement, Security or any other Position that requires passing a Background Check…

    If I were the Mayor of Idaho Springs, I'd be Suing the Ex-Officer for ALL the costs his Stupidity cost the Tax Payers so at least some of the $7,000,000.00 Idaho Springs just lost gets recovered…

  4. Richard Kinghorn
    Richard Kinghorn says:

    Any cop that knowingly tries to fabricate things like this should be a, arrested b, charged with it, c, forced to pay all expenses that the man has accrued, d, jailed for at least 5 years up to life depending on the charged. Totally unacceptable in this day and age that the public should be forced to pay for corrupt cops no matter what reason.

  5. Michael Waninger
    Michael Waninger says:

    Steve that article doesn't tell the whole story. The woman filing the complaint was stoned out of her mind and had no visible injuries. The "sword" was a gift shop replica of a Mayan swords (teeth imbedded in wood) that might have been painful but clearly would not have injured anyone and probably would break if you hit someone. After tazing and realizing the man was seriously injured the 2 cops discussed what to do and decided to pull him out in the hall to claim he attacked them . Then discussed the need to go get the sword and put it in the hall also. The cop who tazed him was fired but the other cop who discussed the lies and filed a false report was allowed to stay.

  6. Scott Wilson
    Scott Wilson says:

    Police officers must have a bond you sue their bond company. They lose there immunity when they violate your civil rights.The offense in this case was so egregious they will lose the ability to be bonded thus they will be let go from their current job and not be hireable by any other department.

  7. Kent L Brown
    Kent L Brown says:

    There is no QI against criminal charges:

    1. Assault
    2. Tampering with evidence
    3. Filing false police reports
    4. Perjury

    Once these felonies are charged and prosecuted, these officers would loose the right to carry a gun and would not be eligible for other law enforcement jobs.

    Don’t stop at civil remedies.

  8. Kelly Christus
    Kelly Christus says:

    The police chief of Preston Idaho was fired for selling impounded vehicles and contraband. He hopped over the mountain to Montpelier Idaho and eventually became the Chief of Police there.

    I'm not surprised of the fired officer finds another job within 30-50 miles.

  9. furyofbongos
    furyofbongos says:

    NEVER. EVER. BUT NEVER. EVER open your door for the police.
    If they have a search warrant, they won't be knocking.
    Best move is to be totally silent and wait for the pigs to leave.


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