MAKING SUSHI! – Fundraiser Live Stream!

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Today we are raising money for Feeding America! If you want to donate money, you can using this link!

36 replies
  1. Joy Caffas
    Joy Caffas says:

    I ask you and Abbie to both reconsider getting a Scottish Fold. Please do your research. I wanted one years ago, but I look up information about them. They are bred knowing they are going to have painful lives, just to have folded ears. Please look it up. I beg you. I know how much you love your animals so much. There are so many other adorable cat breeds.

  2. Laura Fernandez
    Laura Fernandez says:

    I am barely watching this and heard my name not just my first name but last name too I had to go back to make sure I didn’t mishear and I still heard it so I had to check the live chat. Sure enough I didn’t miss hear lol

  3. Madison Telfer
    Madison Telfer says:

    I don’t think you need a piece of paper to tell everyone that you guys love each other. It’s obvious that your forever, so why does it matter whether you are married or not I personally wouldn’t get mad if the two of you got married, that’s your prerogative, your life, your decision and it’s really none of my business.

  4. Madison Telfer
    Madison Telfer says:

    Next time you make sushi, make sure you keep a bowl of water nearby not only to help keep the rays from sticking from your hands but it’s for the knife as well to help keep the race from sticking to the knife

  5. Madison Telfer
    Madison Telfer says:

    Well, when they make California rolls, they use imitation crab meat, so essentially the crab meat that you got is used in California rolls. It’s basically just shredded imitation crab.

  6. Madison Telfer
    Madison Telfer says:

    I didn’t watch this after the fact, but Rachel I don’t know if you knew this but sushi literally translates in English to sour rice so the sushi part of the whole thing is the rice. When the fish is on top of the sushi, it’s called nigiri. The rolls are literally seaweed sushi, and then the fillings whether it’s fish or avocado, etc. so the rice is called sushi.

  7. Kens Ball
    Kens Ball says:

    I will never understand why people care so much about other people getting married? 😂 Anyway, I loved this video. Emily is a hoot and great assistant as always and Rachel's face when Abbie enters the room is pure joy and love. Adorable!

  8. J M
    J M says:

    I'm with Abbie on this one, you two can get married and never make it public. It's your relationship and we're not in it, you don't owe us anything. It looked like Rachel didn't agree about keeping it a secret forever. I could see her wanting to share the news after the wedding. Also, when are we as a society going to get over pressuring people to marry just because they're in love and want to be committed to each other? Your relationship looks amazing and you don't have to change a thing if you don't want to.

  9. musicftw711
    musicftw711 says:

    Ooooofff that type of cat is more prone to health problems. 😅 Good luck, guys!! The condition that causes that small fold in the ears, also causes them to be in pain. So I try to encourage people not to get them from breeders. That way hopefully no more future Scottish Fold babies will have to deal with this pain.


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