Making mashed potatoes for mom

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More butter, more cream.

19 replies
  1. chris keanie
    chris keanie says:

    I have a very good friend named Fred. Thanks to the current state of our Planet, I don't get to see him as much as I'd like to.
    I'm thankful that I get to spend time with You and your Fred, in my Fred's stead 😊

  2. Glenn Anderson
    Glenn Anderson says:

    You feel like that all the time because you're empty. You have rejected moral absolutes and consequently you're like flotsam on the ocean of life, no mental moorings. There is an answer-the Living God, Jesus. He's not religion, but a living person "in whom you move and have your being". I speak from experience and I'm a totally satisfied customer.

  3. Rebena Q
    Rebena Q says:

    Your mashed potatoes looked amazing. You mum would have enjoyed that. Your food always looks lovely. I love rice pudding.
    You do you June. Don't let anyone judge or dictate.
    Love Fred. Hugs n love hunny ❤


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