Making IKEA Swedish Meatballs at Home | But Better

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We’ve gone after the fast-food places, snacks, and movie theaters. Today, we’re going after the furniture store….yes, the furniture store. Why does IKEA make …

28 replies
  1. Carol
    Carol says:

    By the outrage of the Swedish people in the comment section, I feel like Josh should’ve just titled it “Americanized Swedish Meatballs” and it probably would’ve been find. And I mean judging by the comments, it does seem to just be an Americanized version. He didn’t seem to put thought into the techniques that real Swedish people use which is WHY it’s called Swedish Meatballs in the first place

  2. Yann Libbrecht
    Yann Libbrecht says:

    The amount of ego this guy emits is nauseating. He not only trashed an affordable meal I grew up on and adored but proceeds to make something not even remotely close to the original. Get if your high horse and rethink this “but better” series. Do better.

  3. SwedeRedhead1
    SwedeRedhead1 says:

    I'm Swedish and I approve of this dish. You roll with what you have. Lingon is not common in the US I guess. But the meatballs should be panfried. Ovenfried is cheating 😉 (kidding, it's OK) the mashed potatoes and sauce looked delicious 🤤


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