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It may be September, but where I live, it is still very HOT outside. That means that it is still a great time to make some salsa.

30 replies
  1. Trace
    Trace says:

    You know you can use cilantro stems! They aren’t bitter … if you like the look of leaves more, then save the stems for cilantro pesto! To top roasted veggies (shrimp for Tim) Blend Cilantro, jalapeño, toasted pistachios, lime and oil … I also use Greek yogurt for creaminess then call it chutney). you’ll love it!

  2. Jenn Rubesh-Hughes
    Jenn Rubesh-Hughes says:

    Love your interaction w/ each other! Yes, I need to make some fresh pico! One thing I like to do is to use a 2nd bowl (I know…more dishes) and put the chopped onions in there. Then, add the lime juice to the onion. Maybe add the vinegar there too (never used it in salsa). It gives the onions a great flavor. Let that mixture sit for 15 mins while chopping everything else, then combine everything. I especially like it when I add it to my guac like you mentioned.

  3. Lisa Marie
    Lisa Marie says:

    Hey! That looks delicious I will definitely try it! I am also interested in getting your pesto recipe! I have a thriving basil plant and need to learn what to make with all the leaves 😊

  4. Lorraine Marcone
    Lorraine Marcone says:

    Great recipe! It’s so easy and healthy. I started to make my own salsa when my kids were little and it was the best! It’s a recipe you can easily tweak to your family’s tastebuds. I always add alot of lime and cilantro and onions which is our taste buds and now I find restaurant quality salsa boring and flavorless. Homemade salsa is addictive!


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