Making cheese, yogurt, butter, and more!!!

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Things mentioned in this video… Digital pressure canner – Lisa’s channel for so many great homesteading …

24 replies
  1. Lisa Chatham
    Lisa Chatham says:

    I make pizza kits and freeze them. I make the dough and put it in an oiled ziplock bag. Then I put that bag into a gallon freezer bag. I put the sauce in a quart bag and the cheese in a quart bag. Put it all in with the dough and freeze. When you want to make it you take it all out, remove the dough from the gallon bag and let it rise. The rest just put in the refrigerator. Once the dough is risen, you put it on the pizza pan and fix your pizza to bake. You can also put any toppings in the bag so it's all together.

  2. Barb Brice
    Barb Brice says:

    Hello, I love your show.
    I want a bread machine, but the ones I have seen call for Bread Flour. I don’t want to bye different flours. I see you use wheat and grind it yourself. Have you ever used all purpose flour in your machine? Also
    I watch Acre Homestead and Becky makes an easy pizza dough that she freezes and takes out when she wants to make pizza. I thought this might help you.

  3. Lisa Mcintosh
    Lisa Mcintosh says:

    I am trying to learn how to make good brioche rolls. Still needs work. Too tough still. I do make my own bread for toast and sandwiches. Doing these skills are so good for our families and they always taste so much better than store bought.

  4. Clara Gorton
    Clara Gorton says:

    You're amazing. Wish you were around when I had a small family. I'm 68 and widowed, so not able to do all that. I do learn from you. I love your family, I actually know all your children by name. Your children are beautiful. Your marriage is blessed. I wish we could duplicate famines like yours. May God truly bless you and your loved ones. Thank you.

  5. Melanie Balzer
    Melanie Balzer says:

    Sarah, in case you wanna stick on your "no buy" and just do something with vanilla. It´s very common in Germany to bake with "vanilla-sugar". May you wanna google it. That is made without alcohol. I always make my own.

  6. Ashlee Badura
    Ashlee Badura says:

    Sarah!!! I hope you see this, I have the best pizza crust recipe ever! So so easy and DELICIOUS! it’s my boyfriends grandma’s recipe, and every week his mom always makes homemade pizza, and there are never leftovers, and if there are, they last in the fridge nicely! I would love to share this recipe with you

  7. Brittney Stark
    Brittney Stark says:

    Hi Sara sounds like it's hard when your oldest children are growing up and doing there own thing 🙂 hope Juda hase fun . Hope bell gets her job . 🙏 always find my self cross legend learning everything I can . I have an apartment don't so home stealing. Haven't got brave enough but I hope so maybe next year . 🙂 blessing Sara piano is beautiful

  8. fats12694
    fats12694 says:

    Hi Sara, great video as usual. For bread rolls this is my go to recipe, everyone who has tasted them loves them as always asks for the recipe

    4 cups flour
    4 tbsp oil
    2 tsp instant yeast
    3 tbsp sugar
    1 & 1/2 tsp salt

    Warm milk + water (combined)

    Combine all the dry ingredients, add the warm milk & water combination and make a soft dough.
    Leave in a warm place to double in size, once risen knock the air out and shape into rolls. Put in a warm place to rise, till double in size.
    Bake till golden brown.
    Enjoy hot with a nice blob of butter 😋


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