making changes to my life (and my youtube channel)

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making changes to my life (and my youtube channel) Happy Friday! Today I have some updates on my health journey and lab …

38 replies
  1. Shanna Aly
    Shanna Aly says:

    Me as a lab tech wondering how high is high haha but I ran my hormones the other day and I also had high cortisol so I understand! And a lot of the symptoms overlap with my migraines which doesn’t help anything haha

  2. Sue Rescino
    Sue Rescino says:

    i know what you mean by mind is crazy, cluttered
    and house is a resemblance of it… i don't function well with clutter and over abundance off the symptoms you gave I'm going through right now too… its so frustrating.. there is a lot of anxiety in this as well…we will get through this too

  3. Keep Beauty Real
    Keep Beauty Real says:

    Sam I just have to say that I’m proud of you for prioritizing yourself! I seriously do NOT know how you do it all! I have a microscopic channel and just keeping up with social accounts, dm’s etc is a lot! I am trying to find that balance between YouTube, my business(I own my salon as well), my relationship, mySELF. Sheesh it’s a lot! So many plates to run around and keep spinning—it’s sad that usually it’s our self care that goes crashing to the floor.

    I’m sure none of us would want to be causing more stress to you, so know we are here to cheer you on!

  4. Sophie loves
    Sophie loves says:

    I hate when YouTubers do more channels. You have the subs here and we would all love anything you post. Plus another channel would just add more pressure for u to post.

  5. Gypsy Belle
    Gypsy Belle says:

    Man. I so understand what you're going through. I was going through a similar issue for three years. Kept getting the same thing … nothing wrong, until I found myself at the MAYO clinic. I had a busted qual bladder. Keep trying. You have to know your body. Blessings to you.🙏🏼💕

  6. Fatima Art
    Fatima Art says:

    People need to understand something, Big Pharma control so much in the medical field and these bastards want to make us life long costumers, they don’t want us health because they lose costumers to hat way they want us always sick and unhealthy, I wish people would wake up to this already and fight this evil mafia “Big Pharma” so many countries are healthier than is here in the USA because they are rent controlled by this evil big Pharma, stop believing in them especially their push and bullying regarding the vaccines the keep coming out with which are full of bad shit for us!

  7. Alicja Skwarek
    Alicja Skwarek says:

    my friend give me a book many years ado. it was a life changing time. just give it a chance. its THE SECRET by Ronda Byrne. its has changed my life . so many people use it to get whatever they want. its fab. please try.

  8. Bethany Lawrence
    Bethany Lawrence says:

    I know many YouTubers have outsourced editing to contract workers. It may be expensive, but if it comes at the cost of your mental health, it could be worth it to you! I know Jessica Braun has an editor.

  9. Linda Shanks
    Linda Shanks says:

    Samantha, I haven’t even gone through the whole video yet, I’m writing this as your video is playing. Just want to say thank you. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your struggles along with your highs. I appreciate all that you do for this community and wish nothing but the best for you moving forward! You’re an inspiration and yes give yourself grace while you figure out how to make small changes to your lifestyle that work for you. Love you girl! 🫶🏼

  10. LoFo45
    LoFo45 says:

    I think its a great idea to start a new vlog channel. It would be a space to put your hard work that may actually allow people to subscribe and stay subscribed. Vlogs are my favorite kind of content.

  11. LoFo45
    LoFo45 says:

    I commnented below on GLUTEN allergy. It also causes hormonal acne. Please go to an allergist and see if you have a gluten or dairy allergy. It could change your life. Praying for you!!

  12. LukinBeauty
    LukinBeauty says:

    Please post any of your content to this channel? I love all of your ideas and would absolutely watch different types of content and learn more about what interests you, especially around Vegas (I’ve never been out of Australia). You should just create whatever makes you happy, seeing you tear up a few times in this video made me want to reach through and hug you – hopefully your health will start to improve again soon xx

  13. LoFo45
    LoFo45 says:

    Gosh it sounds a lot like gluten sensitivity too. I’m only at the beginning of the video and maybe you mention it later. But gluten allergy can wreck your gut and hormones. It causes weight gain, bloating, mind fog and could even cause your cortisol levels to increase due to the stress response.

  14. C Ramirez
    C Ramirez says:

    Samantha, sweetheart, you are divinely and perfectly made. You are a child of the most high God. It doesn’t matter what people think. Place all your cares on God 🙏🏼. You might also want to consider having someone else weed out the comments for you. Sadly people can be very cruel to others when they should address their own issues first. Love you girl! I am praying for you 🙏🏼

  15. Lily Grace
    Lily Grace says:

    I have met quite a few dismissive medical professionals in my life, having multiple invisible disabilities. It's unfortunate. I've had nurses at school give me fidget spinners for anaphylaxis, dismissing it as just a panic attack because she never quite believed that I could be allergic to temperature change (cold & cholinergic urticaria). I've had cardiologists dismiss my heart condition, saying I needed to be on medication for anxiety and depression (which I already am) or in therapy (at the time I was). I've had allergists put ice on my arms to attempt to trigger my cold urticara, which can work for some with my condition but in others like myself simply induces excruciating pain. The ice is meant to stay on your arm for 5 minutes, I could never quite make it past 2. I think the one problem area I haven't been turned away from has been my eyes, and I only attribute that to the fact that people are far more willing to accept someone young losing a sense than they are having a heart condition or some form of other crazy problem. Such is my way of life, unfortunately, as I'm always in and out of specialist offices. By now it doesn't even really affect me. I just graduated high school, and now I'm working toward becoming a nurse practitioner (becoming an MD with blindness as a factor isn't easy) to help others who've had their voices ignored. As my mom has always told me- it's my body. If anybody can tell there's something wrong, it's going to be me.

  16. PaulaBGood
    PaulaBGood says:

    OMG!!! The visual of your brain was…AWESOME! And I totally relate! Samantha, you are truly amazing and I don’t know if its an Aeries thing or what (the astro sign not your beautiful dog) Im an Aeries too and am very hard on myself and also Always blame myself for far too many things. So glad that you are taking Such Good care of yourself…very inspiring!!! And thank you for sharing all that you do…I know you help So Many people…that is SO COOL!!! ❤️

  17. Debora Echeverria
    Debora Echeverria says:

    Please don’t get discouraged. I stop watching a lot of beauty content but I keep watching you. You inspire so many people. Your videos are popping on. So the system is somewhat working. Take your time take care of yourself.

  18. Valarie Fisk
    Valarie Fisk says:

    Sam, I watch your videos because of you, not just "your beauty content". You could upload a video of you doing commentary on paint drying and I would watch it and love it! Lol ❤️ We all come back because we love you! We love your personality and we want to hear your opinion and view on things, no matter what it is. So please, upload whatever the hell you want to! Whatever will make YOU happy and your subscribers will watch with joy! You are doing amazing and you are such an inspiration to me!! ❤️❤️❤️

  19. Annelie Roempke
    Annelie Roempke says:

    ❤️ I am subscribe to follow YOU and I love all kind of beauty content. But everything you talk about is interesting. You dont need another channel. Use this one!!!! Thinking of you. 💕 Good luck with everything 🙂

  20. Mandy Trout
    Mandy Trout says:

    I had Lyme disease and had 3 different drs dismiss what was going on and by the time a 4th dr finally took my blood it was 6 months later and now I have chronic Lyme and every part of my body has been affected and I'm sick almost every day. If someone just listened the first time I went I would be ok right now. Not only that but regular drs know nothing about Lyme and the only way to get help is pay out of pocket to go see a llmd which I can't afford. Ugh!! Be your own advocate and push if your body is not right!!!

  21. Katelyn Coogan
    Katelyn Coogan says:

    Sending hugs. I’ve dealt with weird health conditions my whole 30 (31 next week) years of life. It’s important to advocate for yourself. It’s exhausting but you know your body, and If you know something isn’t right, make them listen. If they don’t, go to the next doctor, and if that one doesn’t listen to you, go to the next. Many times I’ve gone to like 4 different docs for the same prob. It’s tiring and it makes you feel like you are going crazy because they keep saying nothing is wrong. Then you find the one doc that listens and finds an answer. And it’s a sign of relief.
    Your health is the most important. I mainly like the beauty content. I may or may not watch other content. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t upload it. Do what makes you happy. And if 2 separate channels would be too much, just post the 1 other content video a week (or what ever you feel works.) And where I might not watch a vlog or itinerary video, others love that. And you might get a broader audience cuz they like that content.
    Ultimately it comes down to what makes you happy and causes the least stress. Again sending hugs!

  22. jpagina
    jpagina says:

    Glad you are taking care of yourself! I moved about a month ago and ya know what…I pace my self. Hope you do what makes you feel less stress. I hear ya on the gym thing. I don't like to walk in my neighborhood. Consequently am trying to find ways to move my body every day. I have to start a food journal because of skin issues and heartburn. I am so grateful I am able to get to see excellent Dr's. Fortunately, I feel that self care I do makes me feel pretty darn good! Just keep at it.

  23. Jamie Wiggins-Cox
    Jamie Wiggins-Cox says:

    I like the blogs along with the beauty videos, and I like the idea of you sharing some itineraries. I don’t think people should expect influencers to make comments, or in some way acknowledge the person commenting. That is unrealistic for influencers. Take care of yourself, and give yourself a break; your body is obviously telling you that you need to slow down.
    Question: Did you get the Christmas table runner that I sent you back in December?
    And guess what, if you don’t respond, that is totally okay 😉


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