Making a Year's Worth of Potato Gnocchi | What We Eat In A Week | Pantry Challenge Week 4

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35 replies
  1. Tonya DiRenzo
    Tonya DiRenzo says:

    You convinced me to try to make Gnocchi. My Italian husband appreciated it. I used some potatoes on the verge of going bad and tried something new. I enjoy watching your video and get inspiration of trying new things.

  2. Amilynn Stapay
    Amilynn Stapay says:

    You speak of shelling peas, or English peas.
    I remember sitting on the porch, listening to audio stories on the radio and shelling peas!
    I also remember how they gave the horse hives. Lol!
    That was a fun time. Well, not for Queenie the horse.

  3. Jasmin M.
    Jasmin M. says:

    Thank you for having great manners, maybe its just me, but I hate when people est extremely loudly and talk with their mouth full. You do not, do not get me wrong, just a little would be just fine but we all know what I mean, right? Thank you for being you😘

  4. Jasmin M.
    Jasmin M. says:

    Dear Becky, when you are making Schnitzel you are doing it just right, they need to float in oil and when you drop them into the pan-shake the pan once in a while, so the oil floats over the top-before you turn them and do the same. Just a tip from a german girl😉 this gives them the distinct wavy breading. Always served with a slice of lemon (or your caper lemon sauce is great, more italian fusion style-I do the same sometimes), fried parsley is great too, also very chef-german. Lots of love from Germany😘

  5. magnoliatreeknits
    magnoliatreeknits says:

    After 2 failures, I found your cinnamon roll recipe from a few episodes back. Oh my word! They're SO good! Thay 1 recipe made enough to freeze 7 servings for my family, give the same amount to my sister-in-law (8 people), and treat my parents as well!

    All of that to sat this: Thank you for sharing your time in the kitchen! It's so inspiring to see what you make and how you incorporate your homemade and homegrown goods. And the recipes… good! (Already made the Greek marinated chicken!)

  6. tiff2106
    tiff2106 says:

    As a German: that cabbage has to boi muuuuuuch longer. And it needs red wine, cinnamon, bay leave and cloves as well as some red jelly (not grape!)
    I make big batches 2x per year and freeze it. By now my friends beg me for some red cabbage. 😂

  7. Laura C
    Laura C says:

    Hi Becky, Love your videos! Just wanted to say that in my home country, Argentina, we call schnitzels "milanesas" and they are traditionally made with beef, but they can also be made with chicken (we do skip the flour part though hehe). When I make them, I like to add a spice mix we call provensal (which is a mix of herbs such as thyme, oregano, other greens and dehydrated garlic) or just fresh parsley and garlic to my egg mixture! Keep growing your culinary skills! 🙂

  8. Tonia M.
    Tonia M. says:

    I also love getting new kitchen gadgets for gifts! They are so practical and will def be used. prefered over useless gifts. though I could have done without a hotdog toaster lol

  9. Lisa Mills
    Lisa Mills says:

    I am making mashed potatoes for dinner. I got out extra potatoes so I can try some gnocchi with the leftovers. You inspired me to try something new! Love your videos. Keep them coming.

  10. Paul&Sandra Piotrzkowski
    Paul&Sandra Piotrzkowski says:

    I was not sure what time temp to fry chicken. I did know about the internal temp. this information is from deep-fry temperature from the taste at home.

    Oil temperature Time Internal temperature

    Battered fish

    365 °F 3 to 5 minutes 145 °F

    Catfish nuggets

    365 °F 3 to 5 minutes 145 °F

    Chicken wings

    375 °F 8 to 10 minutes 165 °F

    Chicken strips and chicken tenders

    350 °F 3 to 5 minutes 165 °F


    375 °F 2 to 4 minutes

    Crispy Fried Chicken

    375 °F 12 to 15 minutes (finish cooking in a 200 °F oven, if needed) 165 °F


    375 °F 2 to 4 minutes

    Egg rolls

    350 °F 4 to 6 minutes


    360 °F 2 to 4 minutes


    350 °F 4 to 6 minutes

    French fries

    325 °F then 400°F Blanch first at 325°F for 3 to 4 minutes; then fry at 400°F for another 3 to 4 minutes

    Hush Puppies

    365 °F 2 to 3 minutes

    Mozzarella sticks

    350 °F 2 to 3 minutes

    Onion Rings

    375 °F 2 to 4 minutes


    375 °F 1 to 2 minutes 130 °F

    Potato chips

    375 °F 8 to 10 minutes


    350 °F 3 to 4 minutes 130 °F, until the flesh is white, opaque and firm.


    350 °F 8 to 10 minutes


    375 °F 3 to 5 minutes per pound 165 °F


    375 °F 1 to 2 minutes


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